This little lady is a Black Langshan and will be quite tall for a chicken - like to your knees! Langshans are a rare heirloom breed originally from China that lay dark brown eggs. They have feathers around their feet and are said to be calm and self-possessed. She will eventually look something like this:

Her breed has a pretty classic look and maybe that's why it's been hard for me to choose a name. So tell me your name idea(s) and why you think it fits my little hen. I'm open to all suggestions whether it has to do with what she looks like or just because it's a cute name for a chicken! After a week I'll look at all of the suggestions and pick my favorite. Now get naming!
Per Dr. Seuss' "The Tooth Book," I suggested Hilda.
I like Zylla (Zila, Zillah) - it's Hebrew for shadow...which I think is befitting her beautiful dark feathers.
I vote "Cordon Bleu" - matt
I like Frances "Frannie" or Beatrix "Trixie". Both can be formal or a cute nickname. Good luck... She is a cutie.
I love your blog. So much great information and very inspiring. This is so much fun. Here are my ideas:
Since she's a hen…Hen-rietta or Attila the Hen.
Since she is black…Onyx or Inky.
Since she is tall… Altitude or Lanky.
Since she has no name…Anonymous.
Have fun naming such a beautiful bird!
Well - i guess it sounds evil, b/c she is an evil character, heh - but i would name her Malificent. if you don't like that about - i think she looks like a Betty. :)
Henoir -- rhymes with "ten car" -- as homage to impressionist painter Renoir. Noir is black in French.
For some reason the first name that came to mind when I saw her was Veronica.
How about "Olive Oil" like from Popeye. She was really tall with dark hair, you could call her Olive for short.
She looks just like the stone Snowflake Obsidian. So I would say Snowflake or Obsidian would be nice.
like from gone with the wind. she has long dark hair & that little hen looks kind of snooty & prideful. in a good way...
I think she looks like a "Raven"
At first glance I felt "Madge" coming on. I do like Malificent as suggested by Kathy. But Madge is much more blue collar!
I like the name Nugget!from emme
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