Arbor day? My second grade son recently came home with a list of 100 questions to answer. Boy, I don't think I could be on the show "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader" because I couldn't even answer some of the 2nd grade questions. Question number 59, What is Arbor Day? Thank goodness for the internet, with a quick search on google I found out that it is a day designated for planting trees. Well, don't I feel dumb, this is a holiday I should know about. So, from this day forward we will always be celebrating Arbor Day, and we hope that you will too.
National Arbor Day is April 25th. Some states observe Arbor Day on different dates according to their best tree-planting times. Click here to find out when your state arbor day is.
We will be planting a Walnut tree and a Hybrid Poplar.
What are you doing to celebrate Arbor Day?
We are planting three green ash trees in our front yard - which currently doesn't even have grass yet.
Wahoo for Holly, make sure you send us a picture of your tree planting festivities!
I am glad you reminded us of Arbor Day - I always forget and then sometime later in the year I think about what a great holiday that is and how I want to do something to celebrate it. We'll see what I come up with...
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