It is hard to write posts for our blog right now. We lived in an apartment this summer as we searched for a new house. During this process we had to give all of our animals away. We also didn't have a lot of time to prepare for winter in our new home. Therefore we don't have a lot to share with you in the backyard farming, gardening front. Be patient with us for now and we guarantee that early next year we will start to have more backyard farming experiences to share. Here are some of the things that we want to do next year on our property.
We want to build a chicken coop and get chickens. We plan on fencing our backyard area and we would like to get at least one milking goat next year. We want to start beekeeping and have at least one hive. We want to have portion of our front yard that is an edible landscape so it is both pretty, and also provides us with herbs that Marisa can us in her tinctures, and that I can use in my cooking.We want to add compost and sand to our soil (the soil is mainly clay out here) and prep a garden area, then plant a garden. We want to plant 4 fruit trees, a patch of strawberries, and a row of raspberries along our fence.
In addition to all of this, our lon

g term goals are to have a greenhouse, a root cellar, continue planting more fruit trees, solar panels on the house, more goats, a
wood burning bread/pizza oven, and the list goes on and on. Now you know some of our goals.
Winter is nice in that it gives us all an opportunity to plan and dream of harvests to come. What are your goals for your backyard farm next year? Leave a comment. Maybe some of your plans will give us even more ideas of what we would like to do.