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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thinking of Getting Roosters?

You may want to think again after this video!


Rachel said...

That rooster has got some lungs on him! It's funny that it starts to sound like an alarm clock buzzer.

Michaela Dunn Leeper said...

That's hilarious! And yes, I STILL want a rooster :D

Unknown said...

Is he for real? What kind of feed are they giving him? I have never had an inclination to add Roosters to my coop until yesterday. For some reason it just popped into my mind that having my own chicks would be important (sustainability).

Hmmm... if I got a rooster anything like that, I would not be too popular around here! Is there such a thing as rooster auditions?


After seeing that, the only rooster I want is in a pot with wine and mushrooms.

Violet said...

LOL! At least all roosters aren't that bad. That breed is particularly known for their crowing, and can sometimes actually FAINT they crow so long.

It's the Turkish breed Denizli.

daisy g said...

Uh, aside from waking the dead, why do roosters crow again?

Mona @ Healthy Homesteading said...

That's hilarious! I have had several different roosters over the years and none of the did anything like that.Right now I have 2 roosters and sometimes it does seem like one continuous crowing when they do it together.

Judy T said...

LOL! I just showed that to my children and yes, they still want a rooster.

Sarah Beth said...

Oh my word!! Hilarious! I have a rooster and his crow doesn't last near that long!!! That would sure wake you up in the morning!!

David said...

I can't say that I've ever heard a rooster crow like that before. The funny thing about the rooster crowing is that the hens in the background are pretty much ignoring him strutting his stuff.

Have a great crowing rooster day.