Each person was allowed to submit 3 pictures, I have listed the name of the contestant along with their photos, each one is numbered with an entry number. If you would like to place a vote, make a comment, and in the body of the comment, put the entry number you are voting for. Please one vote per person, and voting ends Friday. Don't forget to send your friends over to vote for you!
And the contestants are.....drum roll please......
Entry #1
submitted by Becky
This is a picture I took last weekend of my mom's 13 week old rooster. He's a mixed breed and has a fluffy Santa beard.
Entry #2
Submitted by Amy 
What's for dinner?

Submitted by Amy
I'll show you who's boss!
Entry #4
Nice to meet you!Submitted by Amy

Entry #5
Submitted by Katie
5 week old broiler

Entry #8
Submitted by Scott and Deanna
Submitted by Michelle(I'm keeping these as a series, because they are just so cute all together)
Our Little Man feel in love with 2008's last hen. "Henny" as he named her. He would cart her all over our farm. Whether by wagon, tricycle, or garden cart, she went where he went. Hope you enjoy.

Entry #10
Cloe Entry #10
age: 8
she took this with a phone from the side of the road.
Submitted by Dale
6 year old Dale (a contributor of BYF)Yikes!
Entry #14
Submitted by Katie
Submitted by Katie
The chicks.
Buff Orpington's cute face

Bertha's sit in.

Submitted by Katie
Submitted by Heather
While others weren't to happy about it.Her girls first encounter with snow, some were more adventurous.
Bertha's sit in.
I'm not even going to look at you!
Entry #23
Submitted by Kaitlyn
12 years old

Submitted by Kaitlyn
12 years old
She’s the one who does the daily care of our small band of 13 chickens. She loved these two roosters!

My vote is for #9. A young boy needs to have a good friend and the chicken doesn't seem to mind being hauled around. LOL Too cute!
Love them all. It's hard to vote. Chickens are beautiful animals. I vote for #16 wind blown skirt.
#2 What's for dinner? made me grin, but #26 Ouch! made me burst out laughing. So that's my vote, #26.
What a great contest.
So hard to choose - I love them all! #26 is hilarious but my vote goes to #16!
I vote #8. took me a second to see the chick hiding in her feathers, too cute!
I vote for #2. Very clever! Makes me laugh.
I vote for entry #2. Hysterical!
My vote is for number 22, it is pretty funny that she won't look at the camera.
While #26 opens that old "chicken or egg" controversy, I see this is a chicken photo contest so my vote goes to #2!!
22 the camera/snob
I vote for #3, I'll show you who's boss! Very cute.
I'll vote for #10, I heard she's real cute, maybe I'm biased.
My vote is for #10 Excellent picture for a 8 year old!
Becks Johnson of FB
Number 10
# 10 :)
We vote for #10!! Love the spontaneity!
my votes on #10 gotta love it!!!!
#10! Good Job!
Great photos! A lot of Rhode Island Reds!
#!) all the way!
#10 Cloe!!
#10- good job cloe
#10 so cute cloe
Go #10!! Whats better than one chicken? I bunch of chicken!
#10 well done Cloe! nice photo.
I love No 1! What a character! But if its a beauty contest No. 23 is a stunner~
#10 for spontenaity!
Claire #8 (So CUTE!), Truman #2 (She looks like my favorite chicken, Madison), Kaitlyn #2 (FUNNY!), Chantel #15 (Love ALL your photos, Katie!), Taylor #26 (CRAZY!)
We love looking at all the photos and we wished we could vote for more than one! We also loved #23, #19, and #13 (is the snake REAL?)
I vote for #20. I like adventurous chickens!
With a chick crapping on her head, I have to vote for Number 12
crap i like it im so voting for 12
My sister Carolyn deserves this prize. She had to shower and wash her hair after this photo. I vote 12!
I'm voting for #12. The title is very applicable! Go Carolyn!
My wife tells me to vote for #12.
#10 for Miss Cloe.
#10 gets my vote!!
Carolyn said....I vote #12 because it is ME in the pix, and I know what I went through to have that pix taken. But there are some great pix on here. I love this contest.
#10 Cloe
We have and LOVE chickens at our house too! I don't know if we can do this, but some of my children who don't have accts. wanted to vote on their faves, so here goes: Boss (4) #13 (likes snakes), Ash (5) #26, Liv (7)#26, and me, mom, #23-STUNNING!
I would feel crappy if I didn't vote for my Aunt Carolyn.
I vote for #10. Great picture with a camera phone.
I vote for #9- what a cutie pie!!!
Number 12, that's brave to wear a chicken. Seeing I got crapped on by a bird last summer at a amusement park.
Number 12, I was crapped on last year by a bird flying by. I wouldn't do this.
Number 23 is beautiful! But #26 really brings a smile! Can we vote for 2?
I like #23 best.
Number 9 is precious! Nice to see the "younguns" getting involved!
I vote for #2. This one made me laugh even though the others are very good too.
I don't think #13 should be allowed!
#15 love the WHO ARE YOU look on his face..
I vote for # 12. That's my wife holding up that darling little chick. Way to go chickie !
#8 is my favorite - the girls can be the best moms
If we get to vote for more than one #5 is the best broiler photo that I've ever seen as these are the ugliest birds to be had. By their 8th week we are so ready for them to be in picture #2 (on the BBQ) which is my last vote as it made me laugh. Thanks for posting the great chick flicks.
#9 - Especially the last picture. That little boy is so cute. You can tell he really loves his animals!
Entry #2!
I vote for #10 by Cloe. I like the perspective it gives - the chicken in their element with the delightful touch on the gateway to their domain. This photo give an idea and feel for the expansiveness of the chickens' yard. At the same time when I look at it, it makes me think and feel that although the pair of chickens standing somewhat close to each other may not be thinking of it or may be thinking/ deliberating still about it, - the chicken up front (in the foreground) has definitely MADE UP ITS MIND. AND it's just gauging the distance to the gate before it makes a run for it.
Photo # 8 Too sweet!! :)
Nice photo Cloe! Good work! You've got my vote!
I vote for Cloe. #10 all the way!!
I like number 10 by Cloe. I think it's great that she could just pull off the side of the road and take that picture.
I vote for Cloe #10 WOOOHOOOO!!!
Cloe's picture is the best!! I vote for #10.
I vote for Cloe #10!
I vote for Cloe's entry (#10) because it's fun to be 8 with a camera phone on the side of the road.
I'm voting for my sister, #1!! Cute rooster!!
I like #15!
Tons of cute pics, but I guess I oughta vote for mine! LOL. I'll throw in a vote for #12, my chicken with the wind-blown skirt!
Number 5 by Katie!!
Number 5~~
I love them all! But Number 5 is my favorite with a follow up vote for Number 7. I can vote twice right? lol :o)
I like the expression on number 5!
I like #5. Attitude.
My vote is for #23! Beautiful lighting, and the rooster's fantastic!
Boy this was hard......I have to choose between my daughter's photos... but I vote for #1 since he's such a nutty looking boy and I know hard Becky worked to get that picture. I also love Katie's #5 because of the indignant look of the soon to be dinner fella! Great pics all!
I vote for number 22.
I like #5, looks like she's had a rough day, I feel like she looks sometimes.
Love them all, but I like #19.
Definately like #5, makes me laugh
OMG! They are all sooo adorable! But I kind of like number 5; the scraggly looking guy, he's funny lookin'
I had a tough time between numbers 1 and 5! I thought they were both hilarious! #5 gets my vote, but just barely, because of the look on the chickens face. :-)
Number 5. He's a looker!
#5 hands down
All Chicken pictures are amazing and cute!!!. .But I vote for 10, at her age.. she already learned to love chickens!!.. :) NICE!
GO #10. Cool Photo Cloe!
You gotta love number #10. Good one Cloe.
#10, great shot Cloe!
I vote for #10, Good job Cloe :)
#1 all the way!
I vote #10, GOOO Cloe!
my beautiful granddaughter, #10
Number 2!
Okay.. I have to go with #24. I love this one :)
I vote for #3. Wish I could have submitted to this contest. Missed the deadline! :(
I vote 1 , 14 and 24 :-) they r really good x
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