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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New Feature - Eat the Season Fridays

We are adding a new feature which we think will enable all of us to use the food out of our gardens and from our local farmers more easily - Eat the Season Fridays. Every Friday we will post a recipe with photos containing something that is in season. Why eat in season? Here's an answer from one of our favorite sites, eattheseasons.com:

There are a number of good reasons to eat more local, seasonal food:

  • to reduce the energy (and associated CO2 emissions) needed to grow and transport the food we eat

  • to avoid paying a premium for food that is scarcer or has travelled a long way

  • to support the local economy

  • to reconnect with nature's cycles and the passing of time

But, most importantly, because

  • seasonal food is fresher and so tends to be tastier and more nutritious

Not only do we think it's really important to add more locally grown seasonal foods to our diets, we're also really excited to try out new tasty recipes and foods! Check back Friday for our first installment!

Curious as to what is in season right now? Click here!

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