The food apocalypse is on the verge of overtaking us my friends. The time is near that we will only eat foods that we don't recognize, foods that have been so processed that we don't even know what animal or vegetable they came from. Todays food apocalypse example comes to us from Burger King.
Burger King is testing a
new mobile app for android phone users. This app will allow people to add money to an electric account. Then when they go to their beloved local Burger King they don't have to get to their wallets or purses to pay. They simply pay with the app, and even gain points for future purchases.
I admit that I eat fast food at times, but I hope I never eat it enough that I will need an app for convenience. The next thing we will see is fast food credit cards where you can charge your fast food meals and not even have to pay for them. Can you imagine a future where fast food zombies go through a Burger King drive through (so they don't have to walk or talk to a person face to face) order their food and then just flash their phone as they pass the drive through window, grabbing their food from the Burger King robot?
What are some of the signs you all have seen of the coming food apocalypse? Share them in the comments.