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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Signs of the Food Apocalypse

We are going to start a new segment on this website showing the absurdities of processed foods. it is going to be called Signs of the Food Apocalypse. It will showcase the absurd processed foods that are the beginning of the end of all real food as we know it.

We are making things in this country that people 50 years ago wouldn't recognize let alone eat. I can't think of a better food to start off the sign of the food apocalypse posts. Pizza hut has created a pizza with a cheeseburger crust. I know you don't believe it because I thought it was just another Saturday Night live joke but you are wrong. Pizza hut actually thought this would be a good idea. I imagine that the Pizza Hut menu makers are a group of people that Pizza Hut has kept on a deserted island and the only thing that they have to eat are cheese puffs, slim jims, and Kool Aid.

Is there really anyone who thinks this works! I am beside myself. Check out the video for said burger pizza and fear the end. It is near.

 What are your nominations for the signs of the food apocalypse?


charlotte's menagerie said...

Wow, what can I say "Heart Attack Pizza." I don't know any recommendations, but on 60 Minutes I saw a group who replicate the taste of fruits and vegetables using chemicals. So instead of actual fruits and vegetables, they add these flavored chemicals to our "food". Uck

SunnyBeachJewelryGarden said...

Great Idea! The more people will read about healthy food the better. I almost not use processed food and do not eat out. When you are cooking you know what you out inside.

daisy g said...

OH.MY.STARS. I hate to even think of what they'll come up with next. That is a sad reflection of our culture.

I'm so out of touch with what fast food offers, I have no suggestions.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! Is this really for real??? Gag me!!!

Great idea with the Food Apocalypse posts!

How about BABY FOOD - I have a 14 mo old and made all his purees and foods from scratch. The stuff they tried to pass off as acceptable for a wee one to eat shocked me!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

It is worse than you imagine because when you go buy "healthy" vegetables, the government has allowed the use of systemic pesticides on them. It may be safer to eat the cheeseburger pizza.


Sounds gross. I passed on viewing the video clip.

Jennifer said...

I nominate fruit snacks. My 10-year-old asked me if we had those when I was her age. Yes, I told her, they were called gummy bears -- and classified as the candy they are. I know lots of people who think fruit snacks fill a fruit serving requirement. Talk about a marketing triumph. Yikes!

Deb W said...

How about the Dairy Queen Chicken Strip basket? Fried chicken, with a cup of sausage gravy to dunk the strips into, french fries, and a couple of slices of Texas toast slathered in "butter."

LindaG said...

I had not heard about this. As my hubby likes to say, looks like they have jumped the shark.
Good grief.
Didn't think much of their 'stuffed crust' whey they came out with that, either.

Where to start with processed food? How about most cereals on the market?

Melissa said...

So incredibly gross.

How about the GMO corn on the cob that I've heard will be sold at super WalMart this summer? Terrifying.

Unknown said...

ooooh I LOVE Signs of the Food Apocalypse already!!! more more!

Dale Johnson said...

Walk in an 7 Eleven and you witness a total food apocalypse accept for three overripe bananas selling for $0.89 each sitting in a basket at the counter.

Anonymous said...

Signs of the food apocalypse:


As near as I can tell, it's layers of meat and cheese between... layers of meat. Almost as if somebody at KFC sat down and tried to find a way to make a fried chicken sandwich the least healthy thing you could ever possibly eat...

...and succeeded.

Mrs. Small House said...

I'm going to second the nomination for GMO foods. Nothing is scarier to me than roundup in the genetic makeup of our food and terminal seeds. Pizza Hut may be contributing to the nation's health crisis, but if when we start messing with the actual source of foods, we are asking for trouble!

Danielle said...

GMO corn?!? That's crazy?!? And that's why this year we began raised bed organic gardens-i suppose it's only safe if your growing it yourself.

Darren (Green Change) said...

The above comments are all great, but I'd like to nominate that vat-grown meat some research group created recently.

They claimed it was ethical (because no animals were harmed) and could solve the world's meat-production issues (don't get me started! The only reason we have issues is because we grow meat in factory setups!).

I shudder to think of the cost of that 'meat', where we have to process and provide all the nutrients it requires, compared to the cost of just letting a cow or rabbit eat grass. How much energy will that require? How is that sustainable?

Looking forward to seeing what else you unearth!