Why do you ask, would one use this type of deodorant?
Recently I was looking around for some other options to a "rock" or "crystal" type deodorant and found, Simple Mom's blog has a homemade deodorant recipe.

She lists some reasons she has made the switch, which include:
Store bought antiperspirants contain aluminum which may cause:
1. Aluminum may impact breast cancer risks.
2. Antiperspirants block sweat glands. Is that a good idea?
3. Aluminum mimics estrogen. (technical term: “hormone disruptor”)
4. Aluminum is linked to Alzheimer’s.
Check out her blog for more reasons to make the switch.
Leave a comment on what you think. Store bought vs. all natural vs. homemade.
I tried a clay-type deodorant once and thought it was working fantastically. My husband informed me that it wasn't!
Here's a post from my friend -- she has tried everything and trusts this recipe -- http://www.phytophiliac.com/2009/10/dont-be-afraidmy-deodorant-is-homemade.html
Interesting... I have heard about the bad side effects of regular deodorant. I have tried a few of the natural ones from the organic/natural stores with mixed results. Might have to try a few of these. Thanks for the tips!
Hubby and I use the rock/crystal and love it.
I'm going to try your friend's recipe. Thanks for the link.
My grandmother used the rock/crystal for YEARS. We never noticed anything. She backyard farmed with animals and gardens. It always seemed to work just fine for her.
Aluminum is not linked to Alzheimers.
What a helpful article! I have been wanting to step away from the store bought stuff for quite a while now and had already decided to make my own bath powder for holiday gifts this year. Seems like the recipe is almost the same so I can make them both at the same time. I will be looking for powder puffs and plan on putting the powder in used cookie tins that I will decorate and personalize for each person.
I use Tom's and dip it in baking soda and that helps a little extra with the odor.
Speed Stick doesn't contain aluminum
Dmax, thanks for the link and the clarification on the Aluminum.
courtneyb, I believe it is just antiperspirants as opposed to deodorant that have aluminum in them.
I make my own. It's coconut oil mixed with baking soda, corn starch, and essential oils (I like lavendar and tea tree oil).
The coconut oil makes it into a paste, and I actually put it into one of those push-up deodorant plastic cases, which I saved from the last stick of commercial stuff I used, when I knew it was my last one, and I intended to make my own. During the summer, I had to store it in the refrigerator (because it would melt ;), which was nice on particularly hot days.
I've also used the mixture without the coconut oil, and in that case, you just dust your underarms. Both work pretty well for me and can be used if I've been outside in the garden and I need to "freshen up" a bit before I run out on an errand.
One point to make though is that homemade deodorant is *de*odor*ant. It's not antiperspirant, and I sweat - a lot. I never realized how much until I stopped using the commercial stuff.
Still, I would never use the commercial stuff again. For me it's homemade - all the way.
I use the crystal, but I also have a stick of Tom's of Maine which I can use if I need to re-apply.
I have heard varied reports on effectiveness... it must depend on your body chemistry.
I find that I stink less when I wear a less fitted cotton shirt versus when I wear a stretchy/fitted cotton blend.
My sister and I made a homemade deodorant recipe we found on the Angry Chicken blog. It had shea butter, cocoa butter, and a few other things. We like it alright, but it smells like chocolate, so it's a bit strange under your arms. I'd like to find a good recipe that doesn't smell like chocolate. ;-)
Hooray! I can't wait to try this! I haven't wanted to use deodarant because I have a new nursing baby, but I STINK and have to shower A LOT. Thank you for this post!!
I started using Tom's Of Maine since it's aluminum free and doesn't contain an antiperspirant. I find it works wonderfully to keep me odor-free. My husband has a tiny bit of B.O. after a hard workout but he usually takes a shower so it's not a big deal.
I use baking soda and so far no one has told me that I stink. The store bought stuff leaves me itchy and with a rash.
Thanks for the post and I will check out the crystal.
I've heard those crystals work pretty good. I'm in the same boat as you too. Don't wanna stink. Maybe I'll try it out before the weather warms up again.
The same company who markets the crystal one, makes a spray-on one.
I took it with me to Hawaii but only used for a few days. The other days? I didn't wear ANYTHING, and I seemed to be fine.
i realize i'm a little late responding to this but thanks for posting! each winter i think about how i want to stop using antiperspirants but never have the courage to do it. this gives me more ideas, recipes, and products to try. plus...motivation to DO it!
Good for you Sarah, you can do it!
I saw this and was intrigued because of my own little experiment. I ran out and did not buy any right away. In the back of my mind I'm thinking about how it is bad because it clogs the sweat glands. Not including excercising, I was easily able to go without it for 2 weeks. Which makes me wonder if that is how long it took my pores to finally breathe?
For a long time I used an anti-perspirant/deodorant until I realized (actually was told) that the long term effect of the most active ingredients were unknown but dubious at best (how is it that this happens so often?). For a long time, I simply used nothing... Now, I use essential oils too. The key is finding a scent you like and thinking about how you will spend time that day as essential oils have plant/medicinal properties to be aware of. You can easily prepare for this by doing a Google search of the keyword to describe your outcome + essential oil. Finally, look at the precautions for any essential oil you are considering as some can cause irritation and even burn your skin. These can still be used provided you use a carrier oil such as coconut oil as a base.
Honestly, after having kids I had HUGE issues. I tried EVERYTHING and even the store deodorant was useless to me. I used a crystal type for a few days and though it did help a bit, nothing really worked like BAKING SODA!! That's it! I wet my arm pits a bit with water or these days mostly lavender or grapefruit essential oil and sprinkle a bit to cover my armpit. NO STINK!!! NOTHING!! ALL DAY! It's awesome, I never smell like anything but lavender fields or citrus these days, even during my grueling daily workout. I can't use anything else anymore!
Thanks for posting this info.I bought a crystal deodorant rock last year and having good results.First i noticed the usual arm pit smell diminishing day by day i and after a month it was gone even after strenuous work outs.I've done my own research on anti-perspirants/deodorants and blocking the lymphatic system with aluminum and all the other chemicals can get a person in serious trouble down the road regrading their health the arm pits is a major detox erea and must stay open to help cleanse the body of waste.And always drink plenty of water.
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