I finally got my order of heirloom seeds today. I couldn't be happier! To find out more about heirlooms and why they are superior,
click here.
Here is what I ordered:

Introduced in 1893 by W. Atlee Burpee of Philadelphia who obtained the seeds from a customer in western New York. Fruits are 7" long by 2½" in diameter. Ivory-white at slicing stage and ivory-yellow when past maturity. Excellent eating quality, ideal for pickles or slicing, highly productive even in hot weather. 58 days.

Considered by many to be the most divine and flavorful melons in the world. Smooth round melons mature to a creamy grayish-yellow with green stripes. Sweet, juicy, salmon flesh. Typically the size of a grapefruit and weighs about 2 pounds, perfect for two people. Ripe melons have a heavenly fragrance. 75-90 days.

C. pepo) Semi-open bush plants produce extended heavy crops of smooth light yellow fruits with curved necks, bumped developed after edible stage. Best eaten when 5-6" long. Creamy-white sweet mild flesh has excellent flavor. Keep picked clean to enjoy all season. 55-60 days. CERTIFIED ORGANIC

Introduced to other SSE members by North Carolina member Craig LeHoullier in 1991, seed obtained from J. D. Green. Unique dusty rose color. Flavor rivals Brandywine, extremely sweet. Productive plants produce large crops of 12 oz. fruits. Indeterminate, 80 days from transplant.

Brandywine first appeared in the 1889 catalog of Johnson & Stokes of Philadelphia and by 1902 was also offered by four additional seed companies, but soon disappeared from all commercial catalogs. Our best selling tomato and one of the best tasting tomatoes available to gardeners today. The seed of this strain was obtained by tomato collector Ben Quisenberry of Big Tomato Gardens in 1980 from Dorris Sudduth Hill whose family grew them for 80 years. Large pink beefsteak fruits to 2 pounds. Incredibly rich, delightfully intense tomato flavor. Indeterminate, 90 days from transplant.

This was our favorite yellow pear in the 1998. Endless supply of 1½" pear tomatoes with great taste, ideal for salads. Indeterminate, 70-80 days from transplant.

Very prolific plants continue producing throughout the entire growing season. Round ½" fruits give an incredible flash of rich tomato flavor, great for salads or selling in pints. Indeterminate, 60-70 days from transplant. CERTIFIED ORGANIC
I got these seeds from Seed Savers Exchange.
Ooooo! They all look soo good. You must keep us updated with the seedlings, planting, and harvest process!
Marisa, I couldn't tell from the package what seed catalog you used. Do you recommend them? I ordered a catalog from an heirloom seed distributer, but would like to know about the company you used. Thanks!
I got them from Seed Savers Exchange, www.seedsavers.org. I really liked the website, the prices were good, and they shipped fast. I hope that helps!
I was so excited to see that Lowe's sells Heirloom seeds! I can't wait to try them. They didn't have those purple tomatoes there, though, so Marisa, would you mind sharing a couple of those seeds with me?
ooh. you'll love the yellow pear. we did those last year. so cute!
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