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Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Book Review: Keep Chickens by Barbara Kilarski
If you are on the fence whether or not you want a small flock of chickens, this book will convince you to have them. Like me, the author grew up a city girl, but had a burning desire to have chickens. She lives on a very small plot of land she calls "postage stamp sized" in Oregon. The authors obvious love for her chickens shines through her writing. This well written book is entertaining while very informative. Keep Chickens has all the information you would need to get started with your city flock of chickens without being overwhelming. Included in the book are reasons for keeping chickens, the basics of chickens, neighborhood laws, definitions, what is required, coops, picking baby chicks, and chicken care. She has a very realistic view on the time, effort and cost involved with raising chickens. If you are looking to have a large flock or run into problems with your chickens, this book does not cover it. Even if you already have your very own suburban flock of chickens, you might learn a thing or two, I know I did. All in all, I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to get started with their own small flock of chickens, what an entertaining book!!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Heirlooms 101

Heirlooms are:
1. Old - Usually associated with plants dating from the 1920's and older. It's hard to date them but some American heirlooms varieties are believed to be Pre-Columbian (meaning before Columbus came to America). Many heirloom seeds may have been carried by your ancestors across the ocean to America hundreds of years ago! There were reasons people held onto these seeds...
2. Open-pollinating - meaning if you gather seeds from your plants you'll get the same plant next year. You might not know this but if you tried to gather seeds from your garden center tomato plants and grow them the next year you wouldn't get the same plant from it. These plants are not able to reproduce and are often sterile. (Unless of course it's an heirloom) Over hundreds of years these seeds were gathered from the best plants of the harvest and continue to produce that same quality. Think of the savings!
3. High quality - The best of the heirlooms really are wonderful. They have it all. They taste wonderful, look beautiful, and are easy to grow. The vegetables and fruits you buy in the grocery store were not bred for flavor or quality - but for uniformity and ease of transporting. Which means that many pale in comparison when it comes to taste. Many people say that once you taste an heirloom vegetable you'll realize you have been eating the cardboard version of this veggie all your life. How exciting to taste flavors that mother nature intended you to have - unadulterated pleasure! At least as much as food can give you - which is a lot to a foodie like me!

Diversity and variety are good not only for our taste buds but also for our gardens. Another vital reason to maintain heirlooms is to keep their genetic traits for future use. When old varieties of food crops are not maintained, the gene pool grows smaller and smaller. This may lead to increased disease and pest problems. You may have pest or disease problems in your garden but with many different varieties the likelihood of all of your plants being affected is very low.
While this is just the tip of the iceberg(lettuce?) when it comes to heirlooms and their distinction, I hope you feel as inspired as I do to try out these treasured plants. So, this year when planning for your garden why not try some heirlooms? You may feel you are connecting to the past and sharing a heritage with your forebears in the planting of these wonderful vegetables and fruits. (There are also heirloom status livestock - animals that are better suited for the free range instead of the factory.) You can order heirloom seeds from several different companies including the Seed Savers Exchange. This company has a free seed catalog - order one even if you're not ready to plant heirlooms - just to acquaint yourself with these treasured plants!
More seed links:
Victory Heirloom Seeds
Amishland Heirloom Seeds
Heirloom Vegetable Gardener's Source
A lot of my information came from this wonderful site and this amazing book(I'll be reviewing this book very soon.) Images from Mike Donk & Scott Bauer
Friday, January 25, 2008
Ramblin' Roses

Now I have such healthy happy roses. I feel empowered and I can tell they are rapidly becoming my babies.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
My First Egg

But eventually it does come.
The excitement of getting the first egg is amazing. It is nowhere near the beautiful experience of delivering or receiving a child, but it is exciting none the less. If you are unfamiliar with farm life like I am, you may be a little apprehensive to eat that first egg. We waited and stressed over the first egg for weeks, but when it finally came we were scared to eat it! I triple dog dared my husband to eat it and he survived, so the fear disappeared after that. Now, after having fresh eggs for a year, I might call myself an 'egg snob' because there is no comparison to store bought eggs, but I will save that for another post.
Website Review: www.mypetchicken.com

Each page details breed history, size and weight, personality, and egg laying characteristics including egg color. At the bottom of this page is also a listing of all of the hatcheries that this chicken is available for purchase from. What a helpful tool that is! I have been known to spend a serious amount of time on this site. It has also helped me to identify the breed of several of my hens. That has helped me to better understand their personalities and the amount of eggs I should expect from them.

I chose this site as my first website review because I believe it's the best there is when it comes to chickens. It's ease of use and graphic layout make it my top pick. These people really have thought of everything! It's also a great time to be looking at this and other sites because chicken orders will be starting as early as February and will be in full swing by Spring. Some of these beautiful breeds do sell out - so get your orders in soon! (I'll be ordering some blue Americaunas. They're beautiful hens that lay green and blue eggs!)

Here is an example of some cute prints from mypetchicken.com!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Clothesline Preview

Friday, January 18, 2008
When Gardeners garden...

My mind is always going. There are all sorts of names for my type but I prefer to call myself a dreamer. Sometimes though, my brain can get fuddled up with noise - all of the things I heard/read/saw that day from websites, the news, phone calls, music from the car radio, my kids running through the house screaming, or the dog barking. The only thing that seems to help is going outside and doing something with my hands. When I'm outside it feels like all of that confusion and stress just slips off of me and is replaced with a quiet strength. I know that sounds silly but I mean it!
I see the same in my kids. After too much television or video games - they are like wide-eyed zombies ready to attack. I've found if we take a step outside and pull some weeds from the tomatoes, or gather some basil for making fresh pesto, or just watch the chickens scratch around for bugs, that they return to their former selves. They're curious and thoughtful - they're happy (and a little dirty).
I recently came across a quote from Ken Druse, a gardening guru, writer, and photographer, that said:
When gardeners garden, it is not just plants that grow,
but the gardeners themselves.
but the gardeners themselves.
He succinctly puts into words what I find to be true in my own life. I have realized that to live an abundant life I need more time in that element and away from computers, television, and radios. More than ever before, the world we are surrounded by is constantly bombarding us with both visual and auditory noise. It gets harder and harder to have even shorts amounts of time away from technology. I finally got a cell phone a few months ago and I have a hard time even blow-drying my hair without it in my gaze. I easily become a media junkie who needs a garden to save me on a day to day basis!
So, that is why I am so excited, or should I say obsessed, with this new blog. These activities that have been lost in the last two generations or less are essential to living full & peaceful lives! I really do hope that it will serve as a reminder and a help to my family and yours in our quest for better lives. And if not, at least in our quest for some darn tasty eggs and homemade pesto!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
How we got started with chickens (Part II)
If you remember from my last post (Part I) We started with 2 baby chicks. Refer back to the last post to see what happened to them, I would hate to rehash all the gory details. Even with that rocky beginning, I was devastated but not defeated.
A few months later, I think it was in August I was browsing around Craigslist. (Craigslist is a free service where you can post items you would like to give away for free, sell, or even items you are looking for. You can choose your city and everything is broken up into categories for your convenience. It is really easy to use and is fun to browse around. It can be a great resource to get you started in backyard farming at a lower cost.) As I was browsing Craigslist, I saw that someone was giving away 3 free chickens that the had given to their kids for Easter, and of course, the novelty had worn off of the kids. I immediately called her, grabbed our cat carrier and drove right over there. The family was so nice, they even gave me all the chicken feed, a feeder, and a waterer - all for free!
My kids were so excited. The two oldest got to choose which was going to be their chicken and what their names would be. There was one left so my husband named that one. My son named his Sam, my daughter named hers Princess Jasmin, and my husband named his Dog Food. As you can tell, my husband did not have faith that these chickens would survive for very long!
From left to right: Sam, Dog Food, Princess Jasmin
Now, I wasn't going to repeat the same mistake I made the first time I had chickens, so my husband built a gate to section off the side of the house for the chickens. That way they could be safe without being tormented by the dog and it would also help protect them from any predators that might be in the neighborhood. For the hen's house we used a large breed dog house that we propped up off the ground. We had heard putting it up makes them feel a little safer. We went to the local feed store and bought some wood shavings for the dog house to keep them warm and comfy at night. We kept them well fed and watered. Then we waited - waited for our very first egg.
A few months later, I think it was in August I was browsing around Craigslist. (Craigslist is a free service where you can post items you would like to give away for free, sell, or even items you are looking for. You can choose your city and everything is broken up into categories for your convenience. It is really easy to use and is fun to browse around. It can be a great resource to get you started in backyard farming at a lower cost.) As I was browsing Craigslist, I saw that someone was giving away 3 free chickens that the had given to their kids for Easter, and of course, the novelty had worn off of the kids. I immediately called her, grabbed our cat carrier and drove right over there. The family was so nice, they even gave me all the chicken feed, a feeder, and a waterer - all for free!
My kids were so excited. The two oldest got to choose which was going to be their chicken and what their names would be. There was one left so my husband named that one. My son named his Sam, my daughter named hers Princess Jasmin, and my husband named his Dog Food. As you can tell, my husband did not have faith that these chickens would survive for very long!
From left to right: Sam, Dog Food, Princess Jasmin

Monday, January 14, 2008
Backyard Potatoes
There are many methods for growing potatoes but none is as easy or as convenient for a backyard as the container or trash can method! All you will need is a container between 20"-30" tall, a trash can works perfectly.
Start with seed potatoes. I found mine at the local garden store. They are easiest to find in January to early February. You don't want to use grocery store potatoes because they can carry diseases which will produce unhealthy plants. Seed potatoes are certified disease free and ready for planting, but if you can't find any - store potatoes may work in a pinch.

You want to cut each potato in half and then in half again - making sure there are a few eyes on each "seed". The cut pieces will then need to dry for at least 24 hours to help prevent any rotting.

Once your container is ready to go, fill the bottom with medium sized rocks - we used volcanic rock because it was the most economical but any rock will do. After the rock layer, add about 6 inches of an acidic soil. You can buy soil with higher acidity or add a good amount of organic material like leaves or peat moss to increase it's acidity.

After the potatoes have finished drying it is time to plant! Place the "seeds" cut side down in the soil and cover with a few inches of your soil mixture. After some time the potato vines will begin to grow up and out of your soil. Once they have reached about 6 inches tall, cover them with soil again until just about a third is sticking out. Continue this process until the plants begin to flower. Remember to water your potatoes but not so much that the soil is soggy - that will increase your chances of rot. Liquid fertilizers are also a good choice if you are so inclined. After the plants have flowered, stop watering and let them dry. Once the vine is withered and dry, let the potatoes cure in the soil for a few weeks to help them store longer. Depending on soil/weather conditions this process should take about 130-150 days and will produce a trash can filled with delicious home grown potatoes!
-Megan & Mike Knorpp
Friday, January 11, 2008
Program Review: Get Naked at Home.

Not only did this show inspire in the way of cooking but also in encouraging a wide array of ingredients to be grown. Jamie featured many heirloom peppers & speaks of the different characteristics they all have. The colors of the dishes were incredible. One of the highlights of the show was when Jamie deseeded one of the peppers & then simply threw the seed behind him on the ground commenting that he hoped that would produce a plant next year!
You can't help but pull from Jamie's enthusiasm as you watch. The show is very fast pace & it almost feels as if Jamie is going to jump up & down with joy as he is cooking. That kind of love is addictive & you almost feel the need to run & start your own garden immediately! The show airs on Saturday mornings starting tomorrow & I don't think that time slot was unintentional. I have a feeling Jamie Oliver is going to start a new movement all on his own of urban homesteading & the results should be magnificent!
For those of you who don't have television, make sure to check out the Jamie at Home book where you will learn to cook & to grow stuff. Watch the funny promotional video here.
-meghan stubbs
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
How we got started with chickens (Part I)
Besides gardening, chickens have been our (Marisa) first attempt at backyard farming. We learned a lot over the last year and a half of having chickens.
Here is how we got started...
We started with 2 baby chicks that our neighbors gave us. The chicks had been given to their 8 year old son by his uncle, gotta love those uncles! They seem to give our kids and teach our kids everything we don't want. They knew that I had wanted chickens for a while, so after about a week (when the novelty of having chickens wears off of kids), we got the 2 baby chicks. Oh, they were soooooo cute. Along with the deal, we got a little bottomless chicken coop (remember that it is bottomless, it is an important factor later in the story).
Not only did the kids and I love the baby chicks, so did our dog Jada.

But, I did not give up. There is more to this story.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Welcome to Backyard Farming!
Growing up I always wanted to live on a farm. I wanted to spend time outdoors - able to hear the wind blowing through the trees and fields - to spend time with animals - to work with my own hands. That desire continued into my college years and as I started my own family. Together my husband and I dreamed of moving out to a piece of land after we finished school to live more simply but life took us in a different direction. We applied for jobs - looked at different communities and homes and found ourselves in the middle of a large suburb of an even larger city. We longed for the lifestyle we had dreamed of, but we also enjoyed the benefits of living in a place so close to friends, schools, churches, shopping, and work. We were torn between living in two seemingly opposite worlds.
After a few years we realized that it was possible to enjoy many of the activities of rural living in our suburban home. We planted a highly productive herb and vegetable garden and enjoyed
our harvest for many seasons. Still though, we wanted more, we wanted animals! We visited local feed stores and farms and investigated what, if any, farm animals could live happily in our backyard. Around this time some friends of ours started their own backyard flock of chickens. After some encouragement we went to the local feed store and came home with four baby chicks. For the first six weeks they lived in a box in our pantry while we designed and built a simple chicken coop in our backyard. We were hooked and our quest for a backyard farm had begun! Little by little we are adding small activities to give both simplicity and joy to our daily lives.
Backyard farming is the idea that we can bring a little piece of a simple country life to the city or suburb where we live. Whether you live on 1/16 of an acre or 20 acres there are some simple and healthy activities that can be incorporated into daily life that are good not only for your own family - but for the planet. This site is dedicated to those things. We hope not only to give you a glimpse into the things that bring us joy - but also to provide some practical instruction. Whether you're interested in adding a small herb garden to your patio, having your own compost pile, or obtaining a flock of backyard chickens - this is the place for you!
-Megan Knorpp
After a few years we realized that it was possible to enjoy many of the activities of rural living in our suburban home. We planted a highly productive herb and vegetable garden and enjoyed

Backyard farming is the idea that we can bring a little piece of a simple country life to the city or suburb where we live. Whether you live on 1/16 of an acre or 20 acres there are some simple and healthy activities that can be incorporated into daily life that are good not only for your own family - but for the planet. This site is dedicated to those things. We hope not only to give you a glimpse into the things that bring us joy - but also to provide some practical instruction. Whether you're interested in adding a small herb garden to your patio, having your own compost pile, or obtaining a flock of backyard chickens - this is the place for you!
-Megan Knorpp
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