Sunday, July 3, 2011


We are enjoying fresh peas from the garden. We are eating them as fast as we can pick them. 

What are you enjoying from your garden?


  1. Right now we're overrun with kale and squash. Not a bad thing to be able to eat off your own land!

  2. The only thing I have ready in my garden is still chard! We had such a wet, cold spring that the peas are just now blooming.

  3. My one lone pea plant is just barely blooming. So far, we've had salads, but it's starting to get too hot for the lettuce I'm afraid.

  4. Loving all my herbs, and the garlic! So funny that you just posted this... I posted something similar just a couple days ago:

    Happy 4th of July!

  5. Fresh eggs! Oh, and sugar snap peas and squash blossoms. I just posted a recipe for squash blossom soup which is super yummy served cold if you still have blossoms!

  6. Our peas are finished but we are eating potatos and the first of the tomatos!

  7. Lemon squash and bell peppers on the BBQ tonight. Apricots in my dessert for tomorrow. Plums all day long.

  8. Would you delete my post if I said that this year we are enjoying not having a garden?! Last year, it was awe-some; this year it is non-existent and I'm really loving not doing the hard work. But next year, next year you won't get me to shut up about it. P.S. Everyone who has a garden is my favorite.

  9. We are enjoying several herbs, several varieties of heirloom tomatoes, banana pepper, several varieties of heirloom cucumbers,yellow straightneck squash, yellow crookneck squash. The sweet corn is almost ready. I am pretty excited because it is grown from seed I saved from last year. Every vegetable in my garden was started by me from heirloom seed. I have found them to be a bit more challenging to grow but the flavor and beauty is so worth it. Knowing that I am not only helping myself by being able to save the seed and eat real vegetables but also that I am helping to preserve the old varieties is very satisfying on many levels. My chickens are also heritage breeds. It is so exciting that you are eating peas...I love fresh peas. I would be willing to share the names of the seeds I love best if that is desired.
    Blessings, CammyH

  10. For veggies we're harvesting zucchinis, cucumbers, green beans, swiss chard, eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, pumpkins, New Zealand spinach. Fruits; strawberries, grapes, valencia oranges, blackberries and figs. Herbs we have shiso, green onions, garlic chives, pineapple sage, blue basil, oregano and rosemary. Happy 4th of July!

  11. Our peas are about done for, but we were enjoying them, we're eating strawberries and cherries right now.

  12. I am waiting with excitement and anticipation for our beans, but until then, we are chomping down on some delicious, buttery golden chard, orange and yellow carrots and rattlesnake pole beans. I am about to pluck some of our squash blossoms and stuff them and fry them up.

  13. Our beans are flowering and the black caps are turning red (then they turn black, then we can eat them...).

  14. Wow, I'm jealous, but I know my harvest will come. My tomato plants have a few small fruits on them, the potatoes are doing very well and the peas and beans will come along shortly. I'm going to go to a u-pick strawberry farm in the next few days to get my fill of those beauties.

    Becky in Manitoba
