Thursday, December 2, 2010

I see a red door and I wanted it painted black

Cue the Rolling Stones music...

I don't really want to paint red doors black, but I do want to paint BLAHHH doors. There isn't one room in the entire house that is finished. I love that we can take our time to  finish projects as we have time and money. But, there comes a time when you just have to have SOMETHING...ANYTHING finished and looking cute, right?

That something that anything was my front door. 

Pretty blah, huh? 

I wanted a nice deep grayish blue.
This is what I ended up with.
 It is hard to tell here, but it is more of a country blue and much brighter than I expected. While I liked the color, it wasn't what I was hoping for on my door.

Another trip to the paint store, and here we are currently. I love it. For only $8, (actually $16 because I didn't like my first color), I have a front door that I love to look at.



  1. I have been there and done that,colors are never what they look like til you try them out.
    I like the final color it is very peaceful but a little country to it.

  2. I really should paint something, somewhere in my house. You're inspiring.

  3. It really is amazing how just a slight different color can make for very different looks in decor. Paint is the most inexpensive way to totally change the look of a room. Your doorway looks ever so much better with color.

    Have a great painting day.

  4. That's a great color, Marisa. I love how you hung the wreath on the inside so you could enjoy it, too. Such a clever idea!

  5. when I moved into my house, one of the first things I did was paint the door! It was this hideous tourquise blue color... I did paint it black and it looks wonderful! One of best things I ever did and the easiest!
