Friday, December 3, 2010

The Best Dishwasher I've ever Had

Our dishwasher doesn't work. Most people think I'm out of my mind crazy that a new dishwasher wasn't on the top of my priority list. I love taking a few minutes to dip my hands in warm soapy water, and I usually have a little helper next to me, which just makes the experience even better. Eventually I'm sure I will get a dishwasher, but for now, I'm going to enjoy hand washing.



  1. Those are precious moments hold on to them as long as you can. It seems that those little toddlers grow up really quick. Mine are now 39 and 40 with grand children ranging from 3 to 18.

    Have a great dishwashing day.

  2. I've never had a dishwasher and probably never will. I love the whole experience of washing dishes by hand. I have so many good memories of talks and discussions with my Mother and Children over washing and drying dishes. It's nice to know that I'm not alone in this feeling.

  3. Thanks Dave and Connie, it is nice to know that there are at lease 2 people out in the world that won't scoff and scorn me for not wanting a dishwasher.

  4. After having washed dishes in a busy restaurant for 10 hour shifts one winter break, I'm pretty sure I could hand wash every dish, pot and pan in the house four times over without even missing a beat. And if I ever build my own kitchen and three compartment sink is definitely in the plans.

    But, with respect to dishwasher, it turns out that newer dishwashers are more water and energy efficient than hand washing! I would have never believed it. I bought our diswasher from our Habitat for Humanity ReStore. My first didn't wash that well, so I exchanged it for another that has been great. $35 for a dishwasher was well worth the extra effort of two installations.

  5. Jim, I hadn't ever heard that they were more water efficient, and we have a ReStore here, I'm going to have to check and see if they have a dishwasher. Thanks for that great idea.

  6. We have a dishwasher at our home but never use it. We have a small family though, so filling a dishwasher would take at least a couple of days and we'd want to reuse dishes before then. Dishwashers are only efficient if they're full when you use them.
    Personally, I love to do the dishes at the end of the day. My kitchen in Wellington, New Zealand has a beautiful view of the mountain ranges. It's so peaceful.

  7. Hayley,

    That just sounds so amazingly dreamy!!! I would love to see a picture of your mountain view!

  8. I completely understand. We live in a rented 84 year old house and there's no dishwasher. I am fine with it. I love to wash dishes! It's the putting away of the clean dishes I do not like.

    I have been awful about teaching my 9yo daughter about helping around the house, but that has been changing for the past several months. One of her jobs is to make sure the clean dishes are always put away. This helps her learn and also helps me with a chore I don't really like. :-) She's not yet ready to do the washing of the dishes and this works out greatly. Team work.

  9. Your photo reminds me of one I took with Allyson when she was 18 months old. She loved helping me wash dishes. The funny thing is that in her rented house in Australia the dishes washer is really bad and needs repairs often. It's too bad she doesn't love washing dishes as much as she did when she was little. Such a precious baby!

  10. I wish I could look like that washing the dishes ... or doing anything! woo-hoo

    I like to handwash dishes, too, but it's hard to breathe when, despite a full sink, you have stacks upon stacks of dirty dishes. I'd trade a dishwasher for more counter space, you betcha!
