Friday, October 30, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! If you find one of these in garden, let's hope it's with your eyes first (from a distance), and not with your face!


  1. I see we had the same idea for a Halloween post! Enjoy your holiday! ;0D

  2. Jennifer, spiders seem to be above average in size and number this year in Nebraska. I have a trellis with hanging baskets by my front door that is a nice place to build a spider web, so it seems. Now that it's colder and the spiders have gone into hybernation I don't get greeted with a sticky web in the beard each morning. I know that spiders are a good thing but they can be a nuisance when they insist on building webs in human traffic areas. I don't tolerate spiders inside the house. If they stay out of sight they will live but if I see them they are dead. Perhaps the overabundance of spiders this year will result in less bugs for next year. One can only hope that will be true.

    Have a great spider web day.
