Monday, April 22, 2013

Chicken Madness: Final

It seems like our followers like the chicks as both of our finalists just barely left the safety of their eggs. It just goes to show you what a chicken can accomplish with hard work, determination, and a little luck. Vote for your favorite at the bottom of the post. The winner will receive the book "Your Farm in the City" by Lisa Taylor.

Chicken A

 Here's a picture of our newest chickens for your contest.  They don't have names yet, the kids are still working on that. They are gold stars, and I have a whole post about them on my blog -

Chicken B

I have so many pictures i had a hard time choosing, but this one is a New Hampshire Red named Annie. :) 

My blog is:

1 comment:

  1. Those innocent looking chicks are like angel. Very beautiful.
