Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Goaty Goat Goat Goat

I'm SO ready for spring, to work in the yard, and to work the ground. I'm excited to get more baby chicks.  I'm hopeful that we will be building a new beautiful coop. I can't wait to get a couple of goats. Is it strange that I think goats are cute? 

What are you excited about?



  1. I have goat envy! That last goat is the cutest ever. We are busy getting ready for spring here as well. We are building some 20' beds and redoing all of our 6' beds. We're sectioning off the garden to create different vignettes and we will also probably build a new coop. Happy planting!

  2. It's exciting to think about expanding your backyard farm, isn't it? I'm not ready to add new baby chicks just yet, but they're fluffy cuteness will be nice to have around again. Can't wait to see your goat when you get yours! I've been thinking about keeping a pig. Crazy?

  3. I'm excited for baby potatoes and peas. Always a spring favorite.

  4. There is absolutely nothing wrong with thinking goats are cute. They are cute, fun, and a necessity in my life. Just remember, pictures are always required.

  5. I am excited to once again get back to the basics! It has been a long time since I have canned and had a backyard farm but in April/May the honey bees arrive, the goats and the chickens...super excited too to play in the dirt and grow my own veggies...sweet...
