Monday, November 7, 2011


Do you have plans for 11-11-11?

Here are some fun ideas:

Watch Ocean's 11
Run 11 miles with 11 friends
Host a potluck where everyone brings 11 of something
Play UNO
Read the book The Eleventh Hour
Wear 11 pairs of underwear
Do 11 random acts of service

Do you have any other fun ideas? 
What are you planning on doing?


  1. Hmm, sample eleven wines? Invite 11 people over? Nope, probably going to do 11 winter garden chores. Strangely that just happened to be the number on my list. LOL

  2. Yes! My twins are 11, and their party is on 11-11-11.

  3. 11 garden chores??? That could take all day! Cate, how cute, take a lot of pictures!

  4. 11 pairs of underwear!! wow, it would be like being in diapers again! My jeans might not fit over those! ha ha
    My plans: nothing to do with 11... sending my boys on a youth group trip to a concert, and a daughter to a friend's slumber party.
