Saturday, August 13, 2011

Your Backyard Farm

Check out Allison's blog: - The Life of a Novice - she is talking lots about gardening failures and wins ;)

Tomato Garden: This photo was taken in June shortly after we were finally able to get in all the tomato plants. Also included in the garden is Basil and some Squash plants in the corner! My 'mater plants are doing to hot this year - next year we'll plant all corn in this garden!

Beans: I have KY Wonder [Pole] Beans growing up a light post in the back yard. Some volunteer squash plant popped up there too!

CR hen house: this is a view down one of our apple orchard aisles that shows our 'soon to be' hen house/chicken coop in the distance!

Herb Garden: this is my herb garden which sits outside my back door. It contains Dill, Lemon Balm, Tarragon, Sage, Chives, Cilantro, Oregano, Thyme and Parsley

Left Orchard: This is a view of the left side of our orchard on an early summer evening. We have 120 trees, 8 which are Pear, 6 which are Quince and the rest, apples!

Main Garden: this is a photo of our main garden which consists of carrots, all kinds of peppers, cabbage, celery, cauliflower, broccoli, sweet corn, yellow beans, and 3 varieties of pickling cucs -- most plants are of heirloom varities!


  1. Really picturesque backyard. I just love your little chicken coop nestled in the trees. Hope you are on BYC so we can have a look when that's all completed. I'm now following the blog as well.

  2. What a great space! How I envy you all your apple trees!
