Thursday, August 18, 2011

The New Guy in Town

Michael and I had some good laughs picking out the Barry White song. Once the video all came together, it was pretty funny to listen to the words because they seemed to fit......I love you baby, let me run my fingers through your hair feathers.



  1. Ok, I am such a Novice with Chickens :) So, is that another Rooster this guy was 'interacting' with? Can you have more than one Rooster together? LOL

    Looks like he is staking his claims and settling right in :)

  2. He is our first rooster, so he was "interacting" with a hen. 1 guy 6 ladies.

  3. LOL! First off, he's beautiful. Second, the female (Barred Rock?) lookalike was like "Great, mom brought me home a date! Grr." She seemed the most afraid of him yet they are the same breed. LOL

  4. The Barry White music really made it. I accidentally got a rooster when I order 3 hens from My Pet Chicken. I live in the garden district of my city. But my neighbors love hearing his crows when they jog by. When you're in the house, you can't hear him.
    I had to remove the spurs on mine because he attacks me and other women. He doesn't attack men. Very strange that he knows the difference.

  5. Is your black gal at the top of the pecking order? So great she's giving him hard time...she's no flousie.

    Will you let the girls raise broods?

  6. bandwidow, yes our black one, Ruby Mae is the top of the pecking order.

    We are excited to try raising our own chicks in an incubator.

  7. Charlotte, I'm going to have to look into removing the spurs. I'm glad your neighbors enjoy his crows. I'm hoping my neighbors don't mind it.

  8. Oh my gosh--hilarious...thanks for the grin...
