Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Your Backyard Farm

Raeann from My Simple Victory (mysimplevictory.blogspot.com) has a small property in a suburb near Winnipeg, Manitoba that really packs a punch. Whenever she tells someone everything she is growing on the property they say, "Wow! You must have a big yard!" she responds by telling them that it is just "well planned".

- 12 Roma Tomatoes
- 8 Celebrity Tomatoes
- 12 Juliet Tomatoes
- 1 San Marazano Tomato
- 100+ bush green beans
- 100+ carrots
- 1 pumpkin
- 2 butternut squash
- 36 onions
- 1 swiss chard
- 10 potato plants
- 10 sweet red peppers
  She also has perennially grapes, strawberries, raspberries, rhubarb, sour cherries, red currants, mint, chives, garlic chives, saskatoons, roses (rosehips), poppies, bee balm, and catnip. Not to mention a pond, iris's, lilies, peonies, babies breath, brown eyed susans, lilac trees, and more. 

And this is only her second year gardening! 

grape vines crawling on fence, mint, strawberry batch, raspberry patch, and future chicken coop site.
Raised garden beds (she made them her self!) Using some recycled materials they only cost her $100 for all 3, which included a Starbucks iced latte. Tomatoes, squash, and green beans.

Isn't this a great use of space? 

Green beans, potatoes, and carrots.


  1. Very nice use of space! And I love that her $100 on raised beds included her Starbucks Latte ;) lOL

  2. Not bad for only her 2nd year. Very impressive. I'm on my 4th year and I still learn so much every year!

  3. I love how full those raised beds are!

  4. beautiful! I want to know though how she hangs her clothes up- that line seems really HIGH! How does she reach it? :)

  5. Way to go Raeann, That what I am talking about, thats how you keep it Green! Wow!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Ooooooo, I'm so excited!!! I feel so special now. Thanks for all the nice words.

    To answer your question BarefootMomof2, I use a ladder.
