Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Weed is but an Unloved Flower

A weed is but an unloved flower.  ~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

I'm loving my weeds right now. My daughter Maya is turning 8 soon, and I had birthday pictures on my mind. The morning was cool, the sky was blue, the grass (weeds) were vibrant green. I had Maya throw on a simple white dress and I straightened out her bed head. Sometimes impromptu unscheduled pictures work out the best. I am so pleased with these pictures of my beautiful daughter and my beautiful weeds. 

(Notice my cute little red chicken coop below)

Maya will play "model" for about a half hour, then she morphs back into the spunky, silly, funny girl that I adore.

How is your weed situation?



  1. She is a perfect miniature of you! Really sweet photos.

  2. An enormous amount of spurge this year.

    Now to more important comments. Maya is a complete natural. Beautiful girl. Beautiful photos. Enjoy being 8 Maya.

  3. Great photos!

    I put 'weeds' in my bouquets all the time!

  4. You are GOOD. What a cutie patootie she is!

    Weeds here are regulated by the HOA. Only 12 allowed per property! ;0)

  5. I need more weeds! I usually have to steal them from the neighbors for little nosegays.

    Maya looks beautiful. Good for you!

    Mrs. Farmer

  6. Maya plays model very well - and for much longer than my boys:) Randy can get about 10 minutes out of them!

    Beautiful job!!
