Monday, May 2, 2011

Raw Milk Espionage

This article is an exercise in sarcasm. If you prefer non sarcastic articles read more about raw milk here, here, and here.

In what is assumed to be an extremely expensive operation, The Washington Times reported that the FDA was successful in rooting out evil Amish Farmers. Thankfully, federal taxpayers money was used to fund the mission of eradicating the scourge that continues to try to sell raw milk to educated adults. Some of the heroic FDA agents signed up more than a year ago to participate in raw milk clubs and groups. Then they used all of the surreptitious spy skills they learned from watching Jason Bourne to carefully infiltrate the vile raw milk community. Thanks to the great work of these great people, the FDA has filed a 10 page document with Pennsylvania courts seeking an order to stop the farm from shipping across state lines.
I for one am thrilled at this news. I dream of a day when I
can walk down the streets of our great cities without seeing rampant raw milk abuse that is so prevalent today. I look forward to a time where I can stop locking my house because I am scared that a raw milk junkie might break in to my fridge to get their fix. Think about how much happier our children will be without the peer pressure of other kids trying to get them to try their first unpasteurized drink. Thank you FDA, your efforts bring a tear to my eye.

This part of the article marks the end of sarcasm.

I know that there are a lot of debates about the health benefits, or heatlth hazards of drinking raw milk. Let's assume that raw milk is terrible for you and perhaps in rare cases it can kill you. If you are a capable adult, why does the FDA feel the need to protect us. It doesn't protect us from tobacco. I think that we should be free to choose whether or not we ingest tobacco. However, if the FDA feels like they need to protect us from raw milk, why do they let so many people die the slow tragic deaths caused by cancer from tobacco use. Why do they give us freedom to choose on one case, and then protect us in the other, when they should let adults make their own informed decisions. What is the answer? There has to be a reason right? My vote is money, what's yours?



  1. I would really prefer more education on the pros and cons of raw milk, rather than cracking down on raw milk producers. We are able to make decisions for our own families.

  2. I just read an article on about those evil Amish people. God thing we are getting the bad guys! LOL! The Amish really do need to be stopped I mean being self sufficent apparently is very threatening to the government. Just like all the people who have been arrested for selling veggies from their garden. Good to know our tax (I mean hidden tax by inflation) dollars are being put to good use! I know I feel safer.

  3. I have a home pasteurizer and pasteurize the milk from my goats before I feed it to my family due to a health scare we had in our herd several years ago. (We always have milk tested after our goats freshen to check for safety and it's always been safe except for once and that was from a goat we brought in from another herd.) Having said that, it was a choice we made for our family and I think that it is OUR right to choose whether or not we want to feed raw milk to our families.

  4. Holy Cow! You have an excellent argument.

  5. amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. LOL!!!! {crying next} LOL!! {crying a bit more}. Is there anyone still sane in Washington?

    My vote? Money and CONTROL. Seems like the two are twins that can't be separated.

    Thanks for a good laugh.

  7. Whoops, I made the comment above. I was in the video account.

  8. I love this. The government may as well go ahead and ban raw fish, raw chicken, raw red meat, bagged spinach, etc. Let us make our own decisions!

  9. They will ban raw milk, but they won't label GMO's...
