Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Book Winner

Today we announce the winner of the book "Your Farm in the City." Read the review of it here if you haven't already.

We appreciate all of you following our blog and returning week after week. We wish all of you could win. I ran the random number generator app on my Ipod and based on fate ~Sara~ of Living the Frugal Life blog is the winner. Sara, email us your address at backyardfarmingblog@gmail.com and we will send you the book. Thanks everyone for playing.

May mother nature treat you all with respect you deserve.



  1. That's was supposed to say congrats! Lol

  2. Sara, congrats on winning the book. I found this book in our city library and am about 1/3 of the way through the book. It's a very unique story of a Urban city farmer that lives in the bay area and farms a empty lot by their apartment. It's such a facinating story about intentional inner city living mixed with gardening and animal raising with the intention of Thanksgving dinner. It touches every emotion and sense possible. It's very informative about every aspect of the food chain from the first peep heard in the box the mailman delivers to the final mouth watering bite on the skeleton of the bird and every where inbetween. It's a really good read for anyone thinking about Urban farming or homesteading with animals.

    Have a great urban day.

  3. Hooray! A big congrats to Sara. We'll be picking up a copy of this book as it's just too good looking to pass up.
