Monday, March 14, 2011

Moving the Coop

We finally purchased a chicken coop and run.  We had been searching the online classifieds daily to see if any inexpensive coops were being sold. There were plenty that were big enough for 3-4 chickens, but it was rare to find one that would hold 12-15.  One night I looked at the classifieds and there was a large coop for sale in my city. I pulled up the pictures and it looked like they were right in my neighborhood. (I could tell by the hills behind them). I called and sure enough they live up the street from us. 
 I know it doesn't look that great, but I've got some plans for a coop makeover. 
Your ideas are ALWAYS welcomed! 
Since it was just up the street, we detached the run, flipped it onto our trailer and drove it right into our backyard.
Where we flipped it into place in our yard. Later this week we will be moving the coop.



  1. Yeah! that's exciting! My sister is finished with her coop and it's waiting for me whenever I get settled, but it's ugly, so I'll be watching to see how you make yours pretty!

  2. Congratulations on your find! Isn't it wonderful to find exactly what you're looking for, and in your own backyard, no less? Love when a plan comes together. Enjoy!

  3. Well, I like colorful. My idea would be to paint a chicken related mural on one side. Not for everyone but fun for some!

  4. Awesome! Gotta love the recycles you can find close to home!

  5. Congratulations!...and too funny b/c I just finished assembling my coop in the living room (2-3 ladies only)! Keep giving all the urban farmers hope!!!

  6. In the living room, that is awesome!
