Thursday, March 24, 2011

First Eggs!

By Uncle Dale

This afternoon I was working in the garden. My son Nathan went into the chicken coop to feed the chickens. He yelled out to me “First eggs!!”  It is always exciting to get your first eggs from a new flock of layers.  There were two off white eggs and a bluish green egg, all the same size, all lying in the same nesting box. I think they came from our three Aracuna hens.  The other varieties – Leghorn, Delaware, Buff Orpington, and Black Australorp will soon follow.

We have been buying eggs since we culled our last layer flock a couple of months ago. I will celebrate our freedom from store bought eggs tonight with an egg omelet made from these fresh eggs.

By Uncle Dale


  1. Congratulations! I remember how excited we were when we got our first egg! We were thrilled, but had to laugh because it was about the size of a shooter marble! We like the freedom from the super market too. Haven't harvested any chickens yet, but I'm ready to learn!

  2. Ooo, how "eggciting". I can't wait until we get our chicks and watch them grow.

  3. Oh hooray! We're still eating farmer's market fresh eggs as we eagerly await our girl's first egg in June?

  4. How exciting! Enjoy your eggs!

  5. Congratulations for your new eggs. Mine doesen`t starting yet, but i hope to do that until the Easter.

  6. Oh how wonderful. Congratulations and happy omelet-making!
