Saturday, December 11, 2010

Oh Give Me a Home

Where the buffalo roam and the deer and the antelope play.  (Just as long as those deer and antelope stay out of my garden) Herds of antelope have been coming out from the hills lately and we have just loved watching them prance across the field.

(click image to enlarge)
 I slipped down the gully in my slippers and crawled on my hands and knees up to the other side of the gully to get closer for this picture and it still doesn't seem that close, drats!



  1. Holy Cow am I jealous! All we have at Antietam Glen are white tail deer, hellbent on eating our garden.

  2. By clicking on the image an enlarged image is revealed that shows the detail beautifully. Wonder if any of those antelope are capable of flying and pulling a sleigh.

  3. Thanks Maybelline, I just made a note on the post to click on the image to enlarge it.

  4. I think that's as close as they would have let you get anyway:)

  5. We had our first antelope roast the other night and it was fantastic! How neat to have them out your window!

  6. Skee-dadle! I have something similar going on in my yard but I know that in six months I will be shaking my fist at them... Time for me to get a big dog!

  7. Wow! That's incredible! I wish I had antelope running past my window!

  8. That's a great pic. I wonder if these things can happily jump a fence to, oh I don't your entire garden? Time will tell.
