Monday, August 9, 2010

Mother of All First Aid Kits - week 4

It's Monday again and that means it is P-Day again (preparedness day). We are on week 4 of making our Mother of All First Aid Kits. We know that as we are prepared we don't need to fear or stress. If you missed out on week 1 , week 2, or week 3 just click on the links and start there!

Mother of All First Aid Kits Grocery List Week 4

Hand Sanitizer $1.52
Tylenol $1.25
Paint sticks (for setting a bone temporarily) free
Tweezers $.97
Alcohol swabs  $1.38


Now, go write this down on your grocery list, your planner, iphone, hand, bathroom stall,  where ever, just make sure you write it down so you don't forget. What are you doing still sitting here? Get moving, go write it down.

Don't you already feel the release of fear and stress?



  1. Great blog, Alison R sent this to me and I am using your "Mother of First Aid kits" for a RS Lesson that I am preparing. How many weeks will you have a supply shopping list for? Is there anyway I can get them sooner then when you post so I can use it for my lesson? Thanks so much :)

  2. Oh, the shoes! thus true. Great tips, Nancy! Ones I hope to place to sensible use next year.

  3. First aid kit is really a must have. I'm impressed with your blog, so much to learn from it. A huge thanks for sharing this detailed and useful information.

    First aid kits Australia
