Monday, August 9, 2010

Many uses of an exercise pen

Remember our dear friends over at CSN? Remember how I didn't bring any of my nice bedding, head board, or bed frame to the apartment? I think I spent about 2 hours looking through all of their beautiful bedroom furniture sets, mmmm, they are dreamy.

Anyways, they are sending me a great product that I'm super excited about, an exercise pen.
There is no way that my dog Jada would stay in there....but maybe the kids would....hmmm. Just kidding. No seriously now, but this would work great when we are raising baby chicks and they need to be in the garage. Since we are expanding our operation, I was trying to figure out how we could temporarily house the little girls until they get their true feathers and are ready to stay in the big girl coop. THEN, if we want to raise rabbits, this would be perfect to let them run around in and get some fresh grass. Free food for them, and free lawn fertilizer for me!  A friend of mine sticks a crate like this in between her garden rows and the rabbits eat her weeds. BRILLIANT!


  1. OOOOO! That's exactly what I need for our rabbits so they can play in the garden.

  2. You can also sit your kids in there while they play with chicks, rabbits, guinea pigs, etc. If the animals get out of their hands, they're not going to get away.

  3. we have one and it is great for bunnies, chickens, and puppies.

  4. We have an X-pen, for our dog(s), no livestock.

    We use it to block off a room when the opening is too wide for a babygate (especially handy when visiting others' houses that aren't so dog-friendly).

    We also use it around the Christmas tree each year - it keeps pets from messing with the tree, ornaments and keeps our dog from unwrapping the gifts early.

    I don't think we've ever used it for it's "intended" purpose.

    It would be perfect for giving small pets such as bunnies or guinea pigs some safer outside time.

  5. Thanks for even more great ideas! You guys are awesome!

  6. Exercise pens ARE good for children. My grandchildren kick the dogs out of it and play in there like it was a playhouse! But they are also good for hanging laundry to dry (like big towels and blankets and swimsuits) indoors or out. You can also get a nice top for them made out of the same wire or shadecloth.
