Monday, July 26, 2010

Mother of All First Aid Kits - week 3

Yes, yes, yes, it is P-Day again (preparedness day). We are on week 3 of making our Mother of All First Aid Kits. We know that as we are prepared we don't need to fear or stress. If you missed out on week 1 and week 2, just click on the links and start there!

Mother of all First Aid Kit Grocery List Week 3

Face masks-$2.82
Burn jell- $5.64
Chapstick- $.98

Total $9.44

Now, go write this down on your grocery list, your planner, iphone, hand, bathroom stall,  where ever, just make sure you write it down so you don't forget. What are you doing still sitting here? Get moving, go write it down.

Don't you already feel the release of fear and stress?



  1. I have a mass of first aid resources and about 80% of all Brits are first aid trained, all public sector workers, all shop workers, any one who works with the public gets's almost impossible to get a job without an up to date first aid qualification! We have friends who were first on scene at a road traffic accident and kept the victim alive (CPR) until the paramedics got there! you never know when you need those skills

  2. Wow, that is amazing! It would be nice if more people around here were first aid trained!!!
