Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Gardening Philosophy

By Jennifer

My relative Kyle, an enthusiastic, friendly man with as many funny stories as minutes in the day, is really quite bashful when it comes to his vegetable garden. ("Take my picture? Are you sure?")

Oh, he'll guide you through the bursting, healthy rows. He'll fill grocery sack after grocery sack for you to take home. He'll bring out a salt shaker and knife so you can try turnips on spot. 

What he won't do is take any of the credit for this amazing garden. He was mightily embarrassed when his wife Paula entered some of last year's crops into the county fair. Oh, the indignation when they won cash prizes and blue ribbons! ("Fine," she laughed. "I'll keep the money.")

You always feel good after a visit to Kyle, like you're an important part of his day. Which, when it comes to his gardening philosophy, is the truth.

Give half away."


  1. Wouldn't it be great if we all did that What an awesome philosophy. Now wonder his garden is so blessed!

  2. Kyle sounds like my kind of guy!

  3. You know, I've been looking for a good turnip recipe for a while. I don't know why it didn't occur to me to simply eat them raw...

  4. Beautiful. Kyle is mighty talented.

  5. Excellent philosophy! Yay Kyle!

  6. I like that. I always dream of handing out my harvest to friends but I don't have the room yet to have a big enough garden.
    Kyle has an amazing garden.

  7. what a great philosophy! I wish my garden looked like that. Maybe along with the praying part of his philosophy, I need to add something about keeping the deer out. They've eaten my broccoli.... again....... for the 3rd time this summer!
