Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Good-bye Girls

My family recently sold our little backyard farm.  

It sold in two weeks and we haven't found a new backyard farm YET,  we had to move into an apartment.
Since most apartment complexes frown upon raising chickens on the balcony, we had to find foster parents with the rights to adopt the girls. 

My friend Nora took on the job, and I couldn't be happier. She has a great yard, adorable sweet children, and she is close by for when I need to go and see the girls.

Funny story, her husband James was NOT happy with the plan Nora and I concocted, that is why we told him it was merely a foster program. After about two weeks, guess who is the biggest fan of the chickens? James!

I'm really really really missing the girls, and even more than that, I miss the eggs. Over the past four years I have turned into an egg snob. Here is a little video of the process of moving the ladies.



  1. I am such an egg snob too! A friend of my husbands bought some store eggs (non organic or cage free at that!) for a camping trip and we ended up with them. I tried to hard boil them and eat them for lunch but I just couldn't do it so I threw them out. They were so tasteless and had the worst texture.

    Maybe Nora and James will get their own flock when you take your girls back.

  2. I also miss being able to feed them all of our scraps. I feel bad throwing food away, knowing that we never used to waste any food. We need to get a worm composter to remedy this.

  3. Ahh, I am an egg snob plus I am a little attached to my ladies so although I enjoyed your video, it also made me sad for you. Hopefully you can find a new backyard farm soon.

  4. Oh, I want chickens so much. I just don't have room for them in my backyard. One day, I WILL have chickens and fresh eggs. :) Love your blog!

  5. It is true. I was very skeptical and felt like I was Jethro Bodine as people stared at the 7 foot dog house in the back of the truck as I drove through our neighborhood and into our backyard. We now have had these awesome chickens for a little over a month and our family loves them. It is very exciting for our kids to go and get eggs. We have even built an addition onto the coop. My friends and coworkers ask "Why would you want chickens?" and I now respond with "I should be asking you why you don't have chickens." Chickens are cool!
