Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Egg Predators

I think we may have some sort of pest problem. What makes me think that? 

You may be asking why a picture of 4 measly eggs would make me think we have pests. If it were December and we only had 4 eggs, there would be no alarm, but this time of year, my fridge should be overflowing with eggs. My dog Jada has also been waking up 2-3 times per night and running outside. At first I thought it was just an overactive bladder due to her getting older. But, combined with the decreased number of eggs, I think she may be hearing something outside, waking me up, and running after it. 

What do I do?!?!??!


  1. I'd first make sure it's not your dog or the chickens eating them. If they are clear, it's most likely a rat. Other predators will kill your chickens, and since that's obviously not happening, my money is on a rat. Maybe start putting out traps for them because they can easily get out of control.

  2. That's so frustrating! I'm thinking something small, too because if it were a larger animal, it would be setting off your hens. I know that whenever a coyote or bobcat or other animal is even at the run, my chickens sound off like an alarm and I KNOW it. Do you have a cat that can spend the night in the coop? (My cats won't bother my hens because they're afraid of them but some cats might decide to have chicken for dinner).

  3. Amy, we have a cat, but she is an inside cat, I don't know how well she would do outside all night long.

  4. My Dad has used something like this before . Not only to catch rabbits, but they work great for o'possum's getting into the chicken run. Once caught they can be disposed of accordingly.

    Best of luck though!

  5. There are so many possibilities, I suggest loading your BB gun.

  6. Good idea Dog Trot Farm, and Phillip, Thanks for the link.

  7. Do your chickens lay at night? I make sure to collect eggs every day and then they lay new eggs in the early morning.

    Either way, I hope you find the culprit!

  8. How about a snake! They swallow eggs whole leaving no traces behind. See:
