Saturday, September 12, 2009

Getting corny...

So, many of you may have been wondering if my corn was going to work since I grew it in my square foot garden with only two rows of four stalks. Well, the results are in...
It worked! We were heading over to some friends for a barbecue and decided to go out back and harvest our corn to take along. We were so happy to see that so much of it grew!

Now not every ear was as successful as others. We had several ears that looked like the one below...
And then several that looked great!
When we got over to our friends and steamed it up it was beautiful - having turned a bright yellow. It looked so delicious and we were all so anxious to sink our teeth into kernels that looked ready to burst with juiciness. Are you sensing the "but" because there is a big one...when we finally did sink out chompers in we discovered it was over ripe. What a bummer. In my fear that I would harvest too soon and miss out on all the natural sugars that heighten right before it achieves perfect ripeness(is that a word?) I waited too long and missed out all together. Oh well, lesson learned. It sure did look beautiful! Which reminds me, anyone know of any good tricks to tell when the corn is ready?



  1. Having never grown it myself, I'm by no means an expert, but I've heard that they're ripe when the golden tassels at the ends begin to wilt. That could be complete garbage, so take it with a grain of salt. Like you said though, they do look great.

  2. I'd heard they are ripe when you poke a kernel and the juice that comes out is clear instead of milky. This never worked for me - it was always milky so I finally just harvested it and it was delicious.
