Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Megan's Container Herb Garden - Sprouts!

Ok, so I must spend a combined total of at least 20 minutes a day just staring at my little sprouts. There is always so much satisfaction in watching things grow - even though they are barely an inch tall. In the photo above you can see some oregano - I didn't plant 20 seeds in that little pot- oregano just grows that way. And below here you can see my Basil. My mouth is already watering!My seedlings are still in the small kit I started them in but in a couple weeks I will need to transplant them to larger temporary containers. We're going to use large plastic cups with holes punched in the bottom. That way it'll be easy to transplant them to the garden as well as to let my kids sell the extras to friends and neighbors. I've seen and heard from friends who say their seedlings are getting big! How are yours doing?


  1. Megan

    How about a little video every couple of weeks to update us on your plantings.

  2. You think? I'll have to see if I am tech savvy enough to figure out how to do it but if I can I will!

  3. Just take a video with your digital camera and you can upload it to You Tube. I have a You Tube account named backyard farm if you want to upload it to that account so we can keep the backyard farming videos together. If you want to do this contact me and I can give you the information you need.

  4. I know what you mean about enjoying just staring at your seedlings. I find a little bit of peace every time I walk by my flats. It's the kind of raising that doesn't involve dirty messes to clean, sibling squabbles to referee and sassy back-talk to ignore. Sigh.

    An idea: if you can find paper cups (instead of plastic), they might be easier to eventually transplant. You can just peel away the bottom without having to dislodge the entire plant.

    I started a lot of perennial flowers from seed -- columbine, echinacea, rudbeckia, gaillardia -- and they're doing great. Although planted a few of weeks later, it's fun to see how fast the veggie seeds grow. My cucumbers sprouts are the biggest.
