Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Soil 101 - Part 1: Temperature

When winter is finally over and we've had a few of those sunny warmer days our minds often turn to our garden. We just can't wait to get things into the ground and growing! Not sure if mother nature is going to send another late frost or if it's quite warm enough we hem and haw about planting.

Many seeds and plants have guides that often say something about checking soil temperature, and it's probably the most accurate way to tell if your little plot of land is ready. Now, I know what you're thinking - "Check my soil temperature? Like I'd ever do that!" But in reality it's actually pretty easy! There are soil thermometers sold at garden centers for pretty cheap but I've found that using a simple candy thermometer also works great! You can pick up one of these for a few dollars at the grocery store. Insert the thermometer all the way into your soil & leave it for a few minutes. Check the soil at around midday for the most accurate reading, and continue checking it for a few days in a row and then average the readings. (Remember that the soil in potted plants, like trash-can potatoes, is going to fluctuate in temperature more than the soil on the ground will.)

-Plants that germinate in the coolest soils (down to 40 degrees) include arugula, fava beans, kale, lettuce, pak choi, parsnips, peas, radicchio, radishes and spinach.
-When soil temperature goes over 50 degrees, plant Chinese cabbage, leeks, onions, Swiss chard and turnips.
-After the temperature gets to 60 degrees, warm-season and many cool-season vegetables can be sown, including beans, beets, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, kale, leeks, lettuce, many of the Asian greens, onions, parsnips,
peas, radicchio, radishes, spinach, Swiss chard and turnips.
-Wait until soil warms to 70 degrees or more to plant tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, cucumbers, squash, corn and melons.*
These temperatures are the lowest that seeds will begin to germinate in but keep in mind that it is only if the temperature continues to rise. To a certain degree, a little warmth is only going to help in your seed success. If your soil temperature is hitting right at 40 degrees it's probably best to let it warm a little more. In those first few warm days of spring it may be wise to spend a little more time planning before planting to ensure a plentiful harvest.


Soil 101 - Part 2: Ph Levels - coming soon!

*planting guide taken
from "Soil temperature and veggies: How to check before planting" By KYM POKORNY - The Oregonian 3/07

1 comment:

  1. This is Great. I get the same lecture from my Dad every year, but it is valuable. The funny thing is that no matter what we still plant something too early every year. I saw your farm journal and It is awesome to document everything. I read about Thomas Jefferson and his serious nature when it comes to creating a database of soil and air temps year around along with rain and frost... I forget what they call it, but T.J. was always up before the sun and recorded everything related to his operation.

    if you want to get Inspired a little just check this link out.

