Saturday, May 17, 2008

How do I love thee, let me count the ways...

I absolutely adore my chickens. Honestly, one of the best feelings in the world is when I open up my back door and three fat hens coming running toward me. I know they are only hoping I'm bringing them something to eat but still, the way they run is so cute that I just don't care! And I no longer complain that my children turn their noses up at bread crusts - my hens think they're best thing ever. But before you start dismissing me as some weird chicken lady, know that I only got chickens about 9 months ago and before that knew absolutely nothing about them and could count on one hand how many times I'd seen one in person.

But I guess it shouldn't surprise me too much. I am a bird lady. My husband has made me aware that every time we see birds I try to talk to them. I'm actually pretty good at it too, at least in my mind. I've thought of taking up bird watching but then you only get to watch and not talk. I just like to talk to the birds running around my car at the grocery store or hopping around my backyard in the evening.
Last fall on a particularly bad day, I went out back and put a blanket down and watched my hens peck around in the grass and chase after bugs. I felt so happy - like all was well with the world. I think all animals have this calming affect but in particular I love watching my birds. If you haven't had the chance to see a beautiful hen in her element, you are really missing out. A chubby little hen with her shiny feathers - so soft to the touch - waddling around and softly clucking as she nibbles on the grass is a sight to see. It'll lower your blood pressure but more than that it'll make you smile and remember the simple pleasures of grass and sky and soft afternoons with a cool breeze.


  1. I totally agree with the lowering of the blood pressure. When I watch my chickens, I am reminded about how simple things can be and how complicated I tend to make my world. They are a wonderful reminder of the basics. I also love how when I am weeding the vegetable garden they come to see what I am doing as if it might be the most interesting thing to happen all day (and I guess it might be). Great post thanks so much!

  2. Hi! I just found your wonderful site, and I love my chickens, too. :) I have two Barred Rocks, 2 Black Aussies, 2 Buff Orps and a RIR, all 3 months old. They are so much fun, aren't they? We eat breakfast outside so we can watch them foraging the yard for bugs and greens. It's the nicest way to start the day.

  3. Amanda,

    Welcome, we are glad you found us! You have quite the flock of chicks, and a great mix. I agree, they are so much fun, and so low maintenance, and like Hillary said in the comment above, they really do help you remember to get back to the basics, and live a simpler life. Feel free to check back often and leave your comments!

  4. Beautiful photograph of feathers.
