Monday, August 12, 2013

Veggies in the Flower Garden

Do you grow vegetables in your flower garden? We have been growing herbs in the front flower garden for a while.  The last few years we have grown cabbage as edible decoration and find it to be a very beautiful plant. Here is a picture of one of our cabbages next to it's neighbors, mint and petunia .

On a side note, does anyone else think that the word cabbage is one of the weirder sounding words. Say it ten times. Just seems so unnatural.

Read more about edible landscaping here and here.

What edible plants do you like to add to your landscape?



  1. Like your gardening ideas.

  2. We have been mixing them lately, mostly in the backyard, as the HOA frowns upon anyone having edibles in the front beds.
    Pineapple plants make a bold statement and serve as a foundation plant for other more delicate ornamentals.
    Enjoy your cabbage!

  3. Michael, I haven't tried mixing flowers and garden plants. I would probably go the other way and plant flowers in the garden beds. I don't have too much sun where the yard landscape flowers are located. I made a crazy attempt to grow sunflowers along one side of the sweet corn patch but something (groundhog) kept eating the plants when they got about three to four inches high so I'll give it a try again next year.

    Have a great cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage day.

  4. Yes, cabbage!

    We have asparagus and strawberries in our front flower bed. The asparagus is a super beautiful plant!
