Friday, February 24, 2012

It's Here!

We finally got our Seed Saver Exchange Catalog in the mail. It is that wonderful time of the year where all of your garden dreams are still possible. We always like to go to our old standby seeds that we have harvested and that we know will grow well. In addition, whenever we get the catalog we like to look for 2 or 3 new plants minimum that we haven't tried in the past.

What is the Seed Savers Exchange? According to their website they are a non-profit organization that saves and shares the heirloom seeds or our garden heritage, forming a living legacy that can be passed down through generations. When people grow and save seeds, they join an ancient tradition as stewards, nurturing our diverse, fragile, genetic and cultural heritage.

If you are a gardener and you want to be able to reuse the seeds from your harvest from year to year I would strongly recommend that you start planning on planting some heirlooms next year. Go to the Seed Savers Exchange website and order some plants online.

To learn more about the advantages of growing heirlooms check out this article from our blog.

What do you want to try planting this year that you haven't tried in the past?



  1. I've been so excited to go get mail each day for the great seed catalogues, tool catalogues, etc. I have my heirlooms ready to plant!

  2. I got my seed savers catalog early in November! I wasn't even ready to think about the next year yet.

  3. I've had mine for a couple months too and I tell ya, I've got LOTS picked out. I don't even know if I have room for all the plants I want from them!

  4. Seed and plant catalogs are so much fun. Spring is coming!!
