Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Essential Oils Webinar-Thursday 7:00pm

The next essential oils webinar will be Thursday December 1 at 7:00 pm Mountain Time! Mark your calendars.

Pre-register for the class here


  1. where do we go to see the webinar?

  2. Looking forward to it -- will it be same as the last one, or different material? Either way, I am there :)

  3. It will basically be the same info, a little different, and I will be presenting this time!

  4. Thanks for the link. So, this will be audio only?? No video? We won't be able to see what you are doing? I thought this was like a demonstration of how to use the oils??

  5. The link will take you to the powerpoint so you can see the slides, but to hear, you can log in through Skype or call on your phone. We had issues with the sound last time, and I felt better about doing it this way.

  6. Ok, so, sorry for my ignorance, I have never done this before. So you have to call in with the number provided, then you can see a power point presentation. Interesting. Ok, I can't wait, I am so excited! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
