Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Your Backyard Farm

These pictures are from Mel at  polloloco-pdx.blogspot.com

I just love this picture!

Thanks for sending these pictures Mel,  your girls and garden look great!


  1. lol the chicken in the flower pot! And lost the dirt-bathers. Man there is nothing like chicken shenanigans. We can and do sit as a family for long stretches of time laughing at our chickens frolicking in their dirt baths, chasing eachother, clucking and trying to roost in the lilac for the night. These pics reflect that stuff nicely :)

  2. I have so enjoyed looking at all the farms this week! Thanks so much for doing this. :)

  3. Darn those chickens! Ha ha. Flower pots do seem so popular!
