Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Tyke Toter

We interrupt these backyard farms for an announcement.

The friendly inventors of the Tyke Toter kindly sent us their product to review, and we are in love. There are a TON of great places to bike around our new neighborhood, but a lot of the best places to ride bikes are on dirt trails (there is one that goes right behind our house). We have loved taking the the kids on bike rides, but we haven't ever been able to ride together as a family. In the past we have just had the bike trailer which is too wide and too difficult to pull on the dirt trails. The Tyke Toter has made it so we can ride together as a family! Madelyn is able to ride right up front with me, and she LOVES it. Just check out this video:

Bike rides in the little trailer never lasted very long, she would be back there all by herself, and she couldn't see much. Now, she is right there next to me, we can talk about what we see, and she feels like she is a part of the ride.

Just look at how happy it makes Madelyn! 
 The last thing I like about it is that it is easy to take on and off. I tried going on a ride up a pretty steep hill without Madelyn and I regretted not taking the extra minute to take it off, it did get in my way. 

 So, if you have a bike and you have a little tyke that you want to tote around, go check out their website!


(The opinions expressed in this post were all mine, and we were not paid for this post. We accepted their product to review with the understanding that we would give an honest review whether we liked it or not, and we like it!)

1 comment:

  1. awww. look at that cute girl. Madelyn's not too bad either! i am jealous of that little contraption, how fun!
