Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Little Green House

We had grand plans of building a green house, budgets and time didn't allow for it this year, hopefully it is in our 5 year plan...but we will see.  Instead, this window in my bedroom works great in the mean time.

It brings me so much joy watching these little plants grow. It is just a miracle that it all starts with just a little seed. It also seems like a miracle that I don't kill everything.

Basil starts

My kitchen basil

What do you have growing, and where do you keep it?


  1. I wish I had a good window to start plants, but I don't. I used to start all my plants, but this year I'll have to buy plants.

  2. First off, beautiful window! I would love to wake up to that. I currently have my vintage 40's metal desk covered in starter flats. The office gets good light. I think I have 50 plants started. Can't wait to get them up and out.

  3. We're attempting to start tomato seeds in Dixie Cups which are all places in an egg carton in our kitchen window. We started them a little late and there are no sprouts yet. I'm really hoping they'll work out!

  4. Hey Marissa, same problem over in my neck of the woods (Seattle) no time or funds for all the gardening dreams I have, but I did stumble on this itsy-bitsy 'classroom greenhouse' last fall for our homeschool curricula and it's great! For under $40 too!

  5. @ teekaroo- good for you for at least gardening, even if you don't get to start your own seeds!

    @Alexis- I LOVE the window, I really should have blinds or curtains for privacy, but then I wouldn't be able to look out the window when I wake up.

    @Maggie- I hope they work out for you! We started ours under florescent lights, then moved them to the window. Keep us updated on your progress!

    @bandwidow- thanks for the link. I can't wait to check it out.

  6. I've got broccoli, cauliflower, and spinach started in our bedroom window (best sun in the house) and I have some beans and peas started in the garden bed.

    I too have dreams of a greenhouse though!

  7. i just planted some marigolds poppies snapdragons and sunflowers seeds and they are resting on the back porch which faces west. the big man garden will not be prepped until after the rains then we will plant our veggies. have a wonderful weekend!

  8. I made newspaper cups to plant my seeds (100% inspired by your blog! This weekend I am transferring tomatoes, zucchini, watermelon, and peppers into my garden!

  9. I told have one good spot!!! But I have this green house/quest house/studio dream building steam.

  10. I'm really considering starting seeds indoors and taking Dec - Mar off of gardening. All the seed stuff inside is simply clutter. When I plant most seeds in place, they catch up to seedlings in nothing flat. Yes, I believe I will cut back work and start seeds outside.

    Happy Easter.

  11. We don't have window ledges in our house - plus we have wood heat, so seedlings hate our home. However, I do this crazy thing called winter sowing. You plant your seeds in covered plastic containers at the end of December or so. The seedlings don't mind the snow and rain. Then I can plant way earlier than anyone else in my neighborhood and I get about 3 or 4 harvests before fall hits. I have almost all my veggies in now, including some fun newbies like Long Noodle Beans.

  12. I have flourescent lights inside above my work table in my bedroom (don't have enough sunny windows) - started a bunch of cole seedlings (cabbage, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, kohlrabi, etc.) in Feb that are now out in the garden, and right now, have tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and tomatillos in my 2nd batch inside, just about ready to put outside to harden off. You can see the progress of my plants here:

    I'm lovin' your blog - great inspiration!


  13. Good question.
    We have mostly flowers planted along with some tomatoes and fennel. We keep them indoors in our spare bedroom under lights. When it's sunny out we cart them all out to the cold frame for some sunshine, then carry them in during the evening before it gets too cold out.
