Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thanks Again Friends!

Thank you for putting my mind at ease regarding my chickens! In my heart I knew I was right, but there was a piece of me that was wondering if I was wrong and had been mislead all this time. I appreciate all of your comments! I got some great laughs yesterday.

I just want to say that Indiana Jones really is a great neighbor. In fact, he helped us move our chicken coop onto our property.  I'm sure he just got some bad information or misunderstood what he was told. If someone who grew up on an egg farm told me something about chickens, I would probably believe them over a new to the neighborhood backyard farmer as well.

Indiana Jones, I hope there aren't any hard feelings! But just for the record....I was right! 



  1. Good morning! I have to say it is worth reading all the comments. Funny stuff right there. Thanks. Melissa

  2. You know what I'd do... I'd egg Indiana jones' house with one of your chicken eggs and yell out "sucka!!!!"

    Have you decorated your chicken coop yet?

  3. And so ends Indiana Jones' Lost Crusade.

  4. You're exactly right Marisa. I work with all kinds of birds and all female birds will lay eggs without the help of a male. Case in point - I volunteer at a local raptor center where we have a 27 year old Red Tailed Hawk. Every year she lays one or two eggs and she's never had the opportunity to mate. It's not steriods in her food making her lay either because she eats organically fed rodents and wild caught prey. You go girl! Can't wait to hear how well your chickens produce for you. :)

  5. How funny! It's the same across the board though. I always have to explain the cow world... horns do not automatically mean it's a bull, but people will argue till they're blue in the face. After all, they know somebody who used to know somebody...
