Friday, March 25, 2011

Are You a Backyard Farmer?

I am.
And I'm proud of it.
So I had my friend Megan design these great stickers.

I had them printed here, and I'm so pleased with how well they turned out. Just look how cute it is on my car!

You could put one on your guitar.

Or on your laptop.

Be one of the first 10 comments and I will send you a free Backyard Farmer sticker.
Just leave a comment. Then email me at with your name and address.

Not one of the first 10 comments, but still want a sticker? Don't worry, you can get one for just $5! That includes free shipping.
Click on the "add to cart" button on the left side of the page.


  1. I love it!! I am trying to be a backyard farmer on 1/10 of an acre. Baby steps...

  2. Love! This! Sticker!
    Thanks so much for sharing :-)

  3. Awesome! I'm just itching to get back out into the soil. I AM A BACKYARD FARMER!

  4. How cute! I can't put one on my car, but I could put it on my computer at work (everyone there knows about my animals and is cool with it!)

    Great idea!

    -Mrs. Farmer

  5. Love it! I'm proud to be a backyard farmer! Backyard farmers are keepin' it rural, even in the cities and suburbs!

  6. Love the sticker! Can't wait to show my fellow farmers market board, thanks! Just purchased our first home last fall and looking forward to a garden & chickens in our future!

  7. I would so LOVE to put one on my car! Thanks!!!

  8. So cute and simple! My husband heard "hobby farmer" for the first time recently and told me that that perfectly described me, but he thought something a little more sexy would work better. "Backyard farmer" sounds much more down to earth :) I'd be happy to flaunt this sticker!

  9. Hi there,
    seems like I'm number 10!!
    Only farming in the frontyard, but I think the idea is pretty much the same!!
    Love, Corine from Alberta.
