Tuesday, January 18, 2011

We are all winners

Which is another way of saying...none of us are.

But Mike is the winner of our great $60 CSN gift card giveaway! Here is what he said:

Congratulations. I just found your blog yesterday and am follower #522. With the information I've read so far, I don't know why this isn't 1000 already.


  1. Very cool. I do believe this is the first time I've ever won anything on the internet.

    I've made a post about it myself and linked to your blog over at mine Country Life Dreams

    I've sent you my email address and look forward to reading more here on your blog.

  2. Thanks for linking us! I just sent you an email with the coupon code.

  3. Just received my purchase from CSN and had no problems with the process.

    If you want to see what a bought, take a look at the blog http://cldreams.blogspot.com

    Thanks again, -mike
