Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jane Doe Needs a Name

It's time to play NAME THAT CHICK. 
Baby Madelyn is unable to name her baby chick (since she doesn't talk) and we want your help! 

Everyone is invited to play and submit as many names as you would like.  Just leave a comment with the names you feel best personifies this little cutie. 

She will look something like this full grown. 
We will choose our 3 favorite names, from there we will have a vote.  If your name is chosen you will receive a fantastic prize...well, I can't promise it will be fantastic because I haven't come up with a prize yet. But, there will be a prize, and it is just fun to play.



  1. Cute chicks! My name suggestions are Sepia, Hazel, Cinnamon or Fawn. Of course you can always go with Gwendolyn, a favorite chicken name of ours.

  2. I think that a good name for a chicken would "Lucy". It not real catchy or unique but just a good solid name.

    Good luck with name that chic.

    Have a great chicken day.

  3. I looked at this chick and thought: Josephine. I think a name like that gives a little air of authority to a chicken, but is also charming at the same time.
    So cute!

  4. Hmmm... let's see. I like Zelda, Hensly, Annabel, Ginger, and Gretchen. She's adorable.

  5. I swear! Lucy is all the rage with livestock. I have a Lucy. I know 3 other people that have a Lucy. LOL. I like Lucy. I also like Sally.

  6. I guess the decision on a chick name depends on what you want from the name. If you want your daughter to be able to say her hen's name, I suggest you stick with a name made from a combination of common first baby sounds: ma, da, ba, pa, etc. Some examples include Mada, Bama (Obama probably would work, too), Pama, Pada, etc.

    If you don't care if the baby can say the hens name, you might pick a name from famous women you study in homeschool, such as Cleo (for Cleopatra), Hattie (for Hatshepsut), etc. It sort of reinforces history lessons with everyday chores.

    Or you can just go for a cute, clever name, such as Henrietta.

    Good luck choosing!

  7. My names to be thrown in the mix are Hoda, Chirp, Fran, Dixxie, Daisy.
    My little boy think Crisp, Penelopie,or Chuck is a great name, just in case she is a he.
    Have fun!

  8. You should name her Pickle!
    Or Emma. Or Sweetum. Or Jill. Or Clara.

  9. Chick-let (chiclet)

  10. Astrid Sigridr No-Arms

    (Norse women from the ancient Viking Njal's Saga and Gunnlaug's Saga, respectively)

    She needs a mighty name to compensate for being armless, in my opinion.

  11. How about Penny? As in Henny Penny from Chicken Little.

  12. Tink,Tinkerbell,Julia,Hazel,Sara.
    THese are my names and Zachary chose Sara.WE are going to think while we start homeschooling.

  13. It's quite obvious.
    She's a FRANCESCA, for sure!

  14. How about Layla? Or maybe something grand like Victoria, or Onastasia...she'll need a fancy name to not feel like she's beneath Mrs. Featherbottom. They are all such cute chicks. I'm sure she'll end up with a wonderful name.

  15. Nicki-chic for a fun name, or Madame le Cluck

  16. I think her name is Mist or Misty.

  17. Bella! She totally looks like a vampire chick!

  18. We saw thee CUTEST little puppy the other day that was named Flip Flop. I just can't get over it. I keep thinking I need to get another pet just to name it Flip Flop :O) reminds our family of all of the funny names from How To Train Your Dragon (which we are all rather obsessed with lately).

  19. We had thought Maddie,I sent it but I don't see it.Baby Maddie

  20. I love all these names! It is going to be hard to choose. Keep them coming.

  21. Rosetta Stone. If she is truly a she then you could call her Rose/Rosetta for short. On the other hand, if she is truly a he, you can call him Stone. ;)

  22. Beatrice! (and call her Miss Bea for short)

  23. Well, if she's a Jane Doe right now, then it seems to me that she should be Janey, or Janie...however you want to spell it.
    Or Penny, like Henny Penny.
    Can't wait to find out what you choose!
    Ours are Bobbie, Whitey, Nora, Dora, Honey, and Sunny.

  24. My initial thought was EMERALD. No idea why, it just came to me. I have had several chooks who looked like this one, names....Hope and faith (due to survival) Drewcilla (named by the kids...horrible name and horrible personality!!!!)

    Like my childrens names, although I chose lots of lovely ones. When you look at a person the name sort of comes to you!

    If he/she is not an Emerald (which I strongly feel she is) she could be an Eric! LOL

  25. You should definately name her Chicken Noodle Soup.

  26. or Sir Chicks-a-Lot.

    She could be a Sir...

    My friend ended out with four roosters in a row - where it's illegal to have roosters.

    Good luck with the names. I don't remember who said it but I agree with that person that Hattie is the cutest ever.

  27. I would like to suggest Petunia Picklebottom or Pinky Gladous Gutsman. Those are the names that my daughters pretend that they have. :) I guess their names, Emma and Grace, are a little to boring for them. Lol.

  28. Because I'm a nanny (as in, Mary Poppins eat your heart out), I'm going to have to suggest a few I think your sweetie will soon be able to say:

    Maybel (which means "loveable"), Pearl, or Poppy

  29. One of my chickens is named Loki. It's the name of the Norse? god of mischief.

  30. Donna I too recommended names from solid Norse lore... not sure why the bird-brains who run around like chickens with heads cut off managing this blog didn't peck it up, but you may not want all your eggs in one basket and suggest more names (not that it's chickening out). Maybe my brain is just fried from all these feather-brained names.

  31. OK Michael. We also have a Hera, Juno, Freya and Athene. See a trend here?
