Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's Time to Order Seeds

If you live in warmer climates, you probably should have your seeds already.  If you are in cooler climates, now is the time to start ordering your seeds. I have two favorite online sites I order my heirloom seeds from, Seed Savers Exchange and Baker Creek, both have tons of great seeds and tons of information. I love to get their catalogs to mark up the pages, circle possible seeds, and browse through it with the kids.  Click on the links to order your catalog!

Leave a comment about where you like to buy your seeds!

Want to know a little bit more about why we like heirloom seeds? Click on this link for Heirlooms 101.

Readers Suggested Seed Companies:
David DOES NOT suggest Walmart
Katie ordered her potatoes from Maine Potato Lady



  1. Terrior Seeds / Underwood Gardens in Arizona has been getting my business lately. Here's a link:

  2. I get mine from SSE and BC as well. BC has a storefront near me and I love to go there and get seeds.

  3. Well, sad to say I bought my seeds from Walmart last year. I won't be doing that again. After many tries at starting the seeds, I gave up the whole process and bought plants at the local nursery. Other than the challenge of it, I think for my small operation that might be the best way to go. Although my thoughts about a seed starting station in the basement keep coming to mind. Maybe not this year but possibly next year the seed starting station will come to reality.

    Have a great seed ordering day.

  4. Ahhh, what timing! I spent most of the morning going through the catalog at Hudson Valley Seed Library. :) Happy planting!

  5. Maybelline, thanks for the link, I will check them out.

    David, don't give up on seed starting. It took me a few years of gardening to get enough courage to start my own seeds. My advice to any gardener is to try one new thing each year, don't try to do it all at once.

    Catherine, I will check out Hudson Valley Seeds as well. Thanks.

  6. Thanks for the reminder!
    I need to get busy.

  7. It's time already! How fun! It may be a bit lame but I have been devouring the burpee catalog. And I just made a new friend who runs her own nursery!! She said if I get the seeds she will start them for me. What a great new friend. What's your garden plan at the new place? Do we get to see a layout?

  8. Brookie, you are so lucky, be sure to pass on any great tips you learn from her.

    I really need to show you guys a layout of the property, but it is all covered in snow. Maybe in a couple weeks some of this snow will actually melt.

  9. i'm so sad... we moved unexpectedly last fall, leaving our garden behind. :( we may be able to get one going this spring but we're not totally sure yet. we'll have to wait and see but i really hope we can. if not this spring, then next year for sure! but it will be hard to wait...

  10. Stacey,

    I feel your pain. Last year we sold our home and were in an apartment over the summer. But, I had 4 potted tomato plants, and a couple potted herbs and you will be surprised how fulfilling it can be! So, if you can't have a full on garden, try some potted plants, it won't make the wait so hard.

  11. I'm placing my order tomorrow with Pinetree Garden Seeds ( This will be my 5th year with them and I'm so happy with their selection, service, prices, and germination!

  12. I think I swooned when I got my Seed Savers Exchange catalog. The cover photo of mostly purple plants was striking.

  13. I'm in Florida. I'm gonna try this place this year:

    Happy gardening all!

  14. Last year, I ordered from I had a little trouble with some of the seeds coming up, so this year I think I'm going with Territorial Seed.

  15. I love Johnny's Selected seeds. They are "employee owned" and have an amazing selection of seeds from run-of-the-mill to organic to heirloom.

    They're a Maine-based company, which appeals to me, because they're local folks (to me :), and many of their seeds are developed for my colder, short growing season.

    I've had nothing but awesome luck with their seeds, and every one I've purchased has performed just as their catalog promises (and I'm no gardener ... at best, I'm a very lucky seed spreader ;).

    I received my annual catalog a week or so ago, and I've been planning my order :).

  16. This is my second year to garden and first year to use heirlooms. I ordered from Baker Creek and went a little crazy.We'll see how it turns out!
    New follower from Homestead Revival. :)

  17. being in salt lake city area like you, I like to get most of my seed from Mountain valley seeds. They are a local to salt lake company and they provide good quality seed, a lot of which are heirlooms. Also, because they're local, I can get a lot of my seeds without the shipping costs in dollars or carbon.
    of course, the best part of using open pollenated and heirloom seeds is that you can keep your own from year to year, I'm trying to do that more and more each year too.

  18. Sweet T, I go crazy purchasing seeds every year too, isn't it great?!?!

    Paul, I'm going to give Mountain Valley Seeds a try. I love shopping local!

  19. I would love to see a article on asparagus plants. We have planted crowns before, but they have not yet come up. Do you have any experience with asparagus plants and a good source for them?

    Thank you!

  20. Kim, I've planted them before and mine didn't come up either. I'm hoping to get a little patch of asparagus somewhere here on the property. I also have harvested wild asparagus off the side of the road in Idaho, that is pretty fun.

  21. This year I will be purchasing my seeds from SSE and Sustainable Seed Co. My only dilemma is figuring out where I am going to plant everything!
    P.s. If you have a limited amount of gardening space, try using baby/kiddie pools, or old recycling bins. Just remember to stab some drainage holes in the bottom. ;)

  22. Thanks for the tip! I ordered seeds from Baker Creek as you suggested. They didn't seem to have any potatoes though, so I went to and ordered them. Very excited. :) thanks for the tip!

    I'm headed to barnes and noble tonight...any book recommendations for a novice gardener?

  23. I order from

    It's a non-profit about an hour from where I grew up in California. They have a lot of organic, open pollinated heirlooms and their prices are very reasonable! They also do a lot of sustainable agriculture education, which is a good thing.
