Monday, October 11, 2010

P-Day is back! Mother of All First Aid Kits- week 5

Alright, I have to apologize to those of you who were actually making The Mother of All First Aid Kits, and then I just stopped. I took a month long trip to Texas, and I just didn't think ahead of time to get everything together and to write the posts before hand...then life got busy.  But, I have gotten enough emails and comments from readers to inspire me to keep going. I really thought that nobody really cared about it. So, I'm glad to see that some of you are!!!

So here we have it week 5's grocery list:

Hydrocortizone Cream- $4.98
Calamine Lotion- $1.27
Body warmers (found in the hunting sporting goods section) - $1.97 (package of 3)

 If you are just joining us and want to make your own Mother of All First Aid Kits here are the other posts: week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4.

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