Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chaos and Mayhem

It's my life...chaos and mayhem.   I'm going to be very honest and open and show you what we are living in, be forewarned, it is not pretty!  But thank goodness I have the internet so I can take a short break from it all and write a quick post here. 

Quick is the key word here, the longer I procrastinate, the longer my couches will look like this, and the longer the kids will think they are a fort. 
No, I am not going to the roller derby, the knee pads are for tiling the floor. Yes, it is 12:36 pm, my son is still in his jammies and I have no clue what we are having for lunch.

Here is our progress on the living room thus far. 

The carpets may not look that bad, in person they look as if someone changed the oil of their car on them.

It's funny, but the picture with just the sub-flooring looks the best. 

 Even with all the chaos and mayhem, my heart sings each morning as I wake to this beautiful view.

Thanks for sticking with us through the journey!


  1. Hang in there, you've got time. I like the couch/fort - at least you'll know where to find the kids. I'm sure it's an adventure. Thumbs up!

  2. Thanks for sharing your morning view with us. It makes me smile and it isn't even my view. :D Oh and I am living with sub-floors right now, I feel your pain. We were able to get half of the flooring laid and then Rodi had knee surgery. BAD TIMING!

  3. H~ sub-flooring isn't that bad, I'm surprised. I'm sending good thoughts/prayers your way for Rodi's speedy recovery!

    Conny, you are right, it is an adventure. It is surprising how well the kids are adjusting to everything.

  4. Do this while you're young.
    Good thing you're taking pictures to remind yourself why your body feels like a car wreck in 25 years.

  5. The sad thing is, my body feels like a car wreck right now!

  6. It will get better. We've been living in a construction zone for over a year. It's amazing what you can "get used to" when you've got so many projects to do. My hubby just finished laying the bamboo flooring in the basement rec room since our new couch is being delivered tomorrow and it needs a home. And the counter round my kitchen island is still bare OSB (with cutting boards on top) since we plan to do all the counters at once when we replace the old cabinets. Who knows when that will be. Thanks for having us along for the journey.
    I feel your pain.

  7. When are all the creatures going to show up? And what is your plan for them? Obviously - more chickens, but what else? Where is the garden going to go? Or is that just all too much right now. I am really enjoying watching the orphan house getting adopted. Good luck, its all going to be worth it.

  8. I have been following you for a while, and know it'll be a while to be motivated to post.
    We are in much the same situation, a watershed descion time. We're about to take the leap, and go for 'the view'. Not the perfect porch, barn, side of town,...
    Your house looks amazing, & I'm sure the kids will grow well, along with all the other critters that come to live here.
    God bless you and your family this holiday~Laura
